Zack Lane ReCAP Coordinator September, 2012 ReCAP Columbia University
Review of ReCAP operations ◦ Physical plant and new modules ◦ Recent projects Data ◦ Basic analysis: accession, requests and circulation ◦ Language ◦ EDD ◦ High-use titles ◦ System-wide trends ReCAP Columbia University
9.7 million books CUL 4.0, NYPL 3.5, PUL 2.2 5 Modules complete 2 planned for construction: Module 8 & 9 have broken ground, expected to open June 2013 CUL manages transfers with quotasquotas ReCAP Columbia University Tours conducted once or twice each year
Music Library has both general in multiple formats at ReCAP Print monographs, scores, CDs, LPs, and DVDs All are circulating collections Items in poor physical condition do not circulate Lots of information and instructions can be found on the ReCAP and Music Library websiteReCAP and Music Library website ReCAP Columbia University
Four basic categories of data ◦ Accessions ◦ Requests ◦ Delivery ◦ Circulation Detailed information can be found at the ReCAP Data Center website ReCAP Data Center website Website now includes introductory presentations for all basic categories AND analysis ReCAP Columbia University
TOTAL : 93,752 / 16,805 (Request Rate 2.62%) off,msc : 29,293 / 5,660 (2.85%) off,msr : 27,603 / 3,894 (1.99%) off,mus : 35,044 / 7,012 (2.89%) off,mvr : 1,812 / 239 (5.41%) ReCAP Columbia University
Chart of Music accessions by fiscal year Transfer began when ReCAP opened in 2002 Large load-in FY03 Transfer projects for collection growth offset and space need Typically allotted 5,000 items in yearly quota Detailed information on project may be found on Music/ReCAP websiteMusic/ReCAP website ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University East Asian requests increased past two years ◦ ILL/BorrowDirect ◦ Tech Services/Preservation System-wide volume has leveled off in past four years ◦ Circulation activity trends ◦ Electronic resources Monthly request volumes in phase with academic calendar 50% more requests in Fall and Spring than Summer system-wide Low-use or low-volume = noisy data
ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University Items physically delivered to East Asian circulation desk Majority are EA-owned collections Requests outpace deliveries
ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University Request rate is a measure of collection usage It is the percentage of ReCAP collections requested during a twelve-month period Provides staff one way to gauge overall use of offsite collections Request rate is one factor used to structure ReCAP facility staffing model Patron access to offsite collections is excellent: dynamic with few failures Measured two ways: ◦ Annual ◦ Lifespan
ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University Individual patrons can have impact on data General trend has been downward due to purchase of e-resources
ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University
More information about data sets can be found on the ReCAP Data Center websiteReCAP Data Center website Primary data categories include: accession, retrieval, delivery and circulation Tailored data sets and analysis will be provided to staff via the ReCAP Coordinator Please see the main ReCAP website for general information about CUL procedures and systemsReCAP website ReCAP Columbia University