What makes a good project?
A testing ground for concepts presented in the taught programme An opportunity to demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge and skills, and to define and analyse problems An opportunity to practise and develop personal skills
Is a coherent and, extended account on a topic of conceptual and/or technical exercise – it demonstrates that you: Comprehend principles underpinning the matter being investigated/developed Have considered alternative approaches to investigating and analysing the issue
Have examined, by obtaining primary and secondary data, alternative solutions to the problem Have demonstrated a critical evaluative approach Have drawn relevant conclusions Can present information in a clear and logical form using charts, diagrams etc as appropriate
The criteria used in the approval of a project might include: Is it related to the student’s own range of interests? Is it related to the aims and objectives of the course? Is it related to more than one of the subject areas of the course? Does it combine an academic approach (e.g. A literature search and review with some practical work (e.g. systems design or software development or software evaluation)
Is the problem reasonably open-ended? Will it require an original contribution from the student? Are the resources required readily available? An MSc project should provide the opportunity to develop problem-solving, decision making, and evaluative skills.
Students should be encouraged to initiate their own projects See suggested lists in course material Discuss ideas with members of staff familiar with the chosen area Project panel may accept a proposal or refer it back to the student with comments and for discussion with a member of the panel or potential supervisor
Copies of past project reports are available to students in the library