Quantitative Data Analysis I. About the course Jiří Šafr FHS UK jiri.safrATseznam.cz last revision 23/2/2015 UK FHS Historical sociology (2014+)
Classes (in summer 2015) English course QDA I. Wednesdays 5 to 6:20 PM, in lab 2071, Jinonice, campus UK
Quantitative Data Analysis I. = Analýza kvantitativních dat I. (Czech version of the course) The course covers an introduction to the very basic analysis of quantitative data from social surveys.
In this course, you will learn 1.Basic data management: how to create dataset (e.g. from their own survey) and assess the type and quality of data and potential problems (missing values, polarized responses, outliers, etc.) and transform variables (recoding) 2.basic descriptive and explorative statistical methods to answer a simple research question (univariate/bivariate/trivariate data analysis), assess validity of simple hypotheses (applying simple elaboration) and graphically present the results 3.control the basic functions in the statistical software SPSS respectively PSPP, e.g. elementary data transformation, descriptive statistics, and simple graphs.
Communication Lecturer: Jiří Šafr jiri.safr(AT)seznam.cz In subject: QDA1: keyword, Your name (perhaps soon on
Requirements for the course completion 1.all homework assignments 2.written test (minimally 60% successfulness) 3.seminar paper demonstrating independent analytical work
Entrance test in Design of Quantitative Research And now …
Here you will find answers in literature …