askMDAnderson What can we do for you?
Who are we? A service of the Public Education Office M. D. Anderson’s front door to information for prospective patients Our Staff: ◦ Associate Director ◦ 2 Supervisors ◦ 8 Health Information Specialists ◦ Oncology Educator
What do we do? Respond to telephone and inquiries ◦ Over 64,000 Calls per year ◦ Over 42,000 s per year Questions from: ◦ Prospective patients ◦ Family members and caregivers ◦ Health professionals ◦ Current patients
What kind of questions do we answer? How to make an appointment Standard treatments Clinical trials M. D. Anderson services and programs What happens once an appointment is made
How do we answer our questions? Extensive training ◦ Cancer information ◦ Processes and procedures Research appropriately ◦ National Resources – NCI, ACS ◦ M. D. Anderson resources Web site M. D. Anderson clinicians
askMDAnderson Customer Service Show compassion and empathy Active listening Refrain from personal judgment and experience Meet the customer at their level ◦ Everyone is at a different place in the cancer knowledge Customer is left with a complete understanding
How to handle emotional/complaint calls Listen without interruption Express empathy Explain what you can and cannot do Take action/refer to appropriate resource ◦ Patient Advocacy (askMDA)
Wrap-it-up tips Ask closed-ended questions Avoid asking unnecessary questions Medically specific – refer to their current physician If unable to address question, refer to a resource that might ◦ askMDAnderson