Prostate Cancer Research in Europe European Union Prostate Cancer Research Framework Program (FP) 6 FP6 funded projects in fiscal years 2004/2005 Total life science, genomics and biotechnology for health:2.255 million Euro Prostate cancer25.5 million Euro (8 projects)= 1.13% Breast cancer71.0 million Euro (27 projects)= 3.19%
Analysis 1. Funding for independent clinical and basic science research Comparison of current spending: Germany2million Euro per annum EU26million Euro per annum USA400million Euro per annum There is never no money, just wrong priorities!
2. Clinical trial registers do not exist cannot be looked at are incompatible Example Germany: 22 trials in BPS register 20 trials in NCI register Only 6 of those trials appear in both registers
3. Patient advocacy in research and clinical trials Exists in the USA as a program of the NCI Few patients are members of ethics commissions in Germany What is happening in Europe?
1. Research management unit at European level Efficiency Economy Pace Results Recommendations
2. Funds and Finances for prostate cancer research EU: match breast cancer research funding – 71 million National EU member states: match EU funding – 71 million Private and industry donations: match EU funding – 71 million
Make both recommendations UOMO top priorities ! ! !