Connected Mobile Communities LAVA09, NPP Annual Conference th – 11th November 2009
Aim & Objectives To use broadband mobile communication services to promote the competitiveness of rural communities in the Northern Periphery area. 1.Develop the capability of rural area communities within the Northern Periphery to incorporate emerging broadband mobile services into their community development strategies. 2.Use the capability to develop a number of broadband mobile services that support sustainable development of specific sectors in NP communities 3.Utilise the services to (1) improve the inherent sustainability of communities and to (2) provide economic connections to more central areas
What will CMC do? Design a Transnational Mobile Community Model of what a typical digital community in a smaller city, region or rural area might look like. Design and trial a range of transnational mobile services that the Mobile Community will use. Pilot the Transnational mobile services to contribute, in an integrated way, to ‘more sustainable development’ and to provide economic increased linkages between regions.
What Services will CMC Produce? Intelligent Sensor-Based service for Commuters Mobile "What's on Guide" Location-based information and guiding system for cultural and historical locations Personal health care service for citizens Mobile Intelligent Routing system facilitating citizens engage with Local Authorities
Results Achieved to Date Comparative transnational analysis of mobile infrastructure in each region Transnational "Mobile Community" needs analysis in each region Design of draft Transnational Connected Mobile Community model Transnational Community Consultation Implement the Connected Communities model in each region Establish combined Connected Communities Office and Demonstration Centre in each region Design of final Transnational Connected Mobile Community model (In Progress) Development of mobile services in the public, transport and community sectors (In Process)
Further Project Activities Continue development of mobile services in the public, transport and community sectors Test and Implement the Transnational Services Mobile Community Marketing Campaign Evaluate the success of the Connected Communities model and services Carry out workshops in each region to demonstrate the services Launch the Transnational "mobile community" model in each region
Project Partners ERNACT EEIG (Ireland) Donegal County Council (Ireland) Derry City Council (Northern Ireland) Fomento de San Sebastián S.A. (Spain) Regional Council of North Karelia (Finland) Association of Local Authorities in Västernorrland (Sweden) Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (Scotland)
Contact Details ERNACT EEIG 150 CoLab, LYIT Port Road Letterkenny Co. Donegal Ireland Telephone: +353 (0) Website :