Strategies to Prepare Presented by The Academic Centers for Excellence
Field 001: Reading ◦ Domain I:Literal and Inferential Reading ◦ Domain II:Critical and Evaluative Reading Field 002:Mathematics ◦ Domain I:Numbers and Algebra ◦ Domain II:Geometry and Statistics Field 003:Writing ◦ Domain I:Foundations of Effective Writing ◦ Domain II:Writing Assignment
Test Preparation Worksheet ◦ Academics Assessment Blueprint Worksheet With what courses/subjects did you struggle? ◦ Have you taken the test already? With what sections did you struggle? ◦ - Indiana Core for Assessments for Educator Licensure website
The CASA is designed to measure how well you have learned foundational concepts throughout your time so far in college; that said, there is no substitution for preparation when it comes to squashing test anxiety and doing well on a standardized test! Plan an effective course of study ◦ Understand the structure and content of the tests ◦ Identify areas of strength and weakness ◦ Identify content with which you have had difficulty in the past ◦ Identify content you know you have not mastered ◦ Investigate what resources are available Study systematically – Focus your studies Review strategies for successful test taking and practice them ◦ Test yourself - time yourself
Preparation Materials from Pearson Sample Questions Basic Skills Mobile App Practice Tests Practice exercises Tutoring – come with practice problems, essay draft Study groups Internet sites Khan Academy (videos) -