Types of Nursing Home Abuse Statistics Nursing Homes as an Industry What needs to be Done!
- Physical Abuse - Emotional Abuse - Sexual Abuse - Neglect - Financial Exploitation - Health Care Fraud
2.6 million people live in either short term nursing homes or longer term assisted living facilities. 81% of employees report having seen some form of verbal, physical, or other form of abuse last year 85% of the staff of these nursing homes blame the abuse on insufficient staff and staff shortages.
Nursing Home by definition are : residential facility for persons with chronic illness or disability, particularly older people who have mobility and eating problems. Nursing homes are privately owned. Lowest Cost Possibly Minimal Qualifications Inadequate Staff Low Wages
From an official Report to Congressional Requesters Regarding Nursing Home Abuse: Ensure that state survey agencies immediately notify local law enforcement agencies when nursing homes report allegations of resident physical or sexual abuse. (GAO) Accelerate the agency’s education campaign on reporting nursing home abuse (GAO) Systematically assess state policies and practices for complying with the federal requirement (GAO) Shorten the state survey agencies’ time frames for determining whether toinclude findings of abuse in nurse aide registry files.(GAO) My Suggestions : I suggest an easily accessible panic button in each room as well as throughout the facility directing the tenants to the emergency services as well as nurses in the facility.
Types of Elderly Abuse Statistics How Nursing Homes are Industries And What I Believe needs to be Done