The Gospel of Matthew 1. Author 1. Author - anonymous - All early church fathers assign authorship to Matthew 2. Date 2. Date - Matthew dependent upon Mark (Markan Priority) - just prior to 70 AD
The Gospel of Matthew 3. Place of Writing 3. Place of Writing- Syria, Antioch, Palestine 4. Recipients To a Jewish group To a Jewish group - Genealogy - Fulfillment of Scripture (1:22; 2:6; 2:15; 2:17; 2:23)
Unique Contributions of Matthew 1. Jesus as Fulfillment of God’s Plan 1. Jesus as Fulfillment of God’s Plan (1:22; 2:6; 2:15; 2:17; 2:23; 4:14-16; 8:17; 12:17; 13:35; 21:4; 26:53-54; 27:9) 2. Jesus as Authority 2. Jesus as Authority - Coming King (2:1-2) - Interpreter of OT (7:28-29) - Supreme (28:16-20)
Unique Contributions of Matthew 3. Jesus as Teacher Mark: Jesus as Teacher (but we do not know what he teaches Matthew: Jesus as Teacher (and we know exactly what he says!
I. Preparation for Jesus Messiah, Son of God II. Proclamation of Jesus Messiah, Son of God, to Israel III. Passion and Resurrection of Jesus Messiah, Son of God 1:116:214:1716:2028:20 A. (INFANT) ORIGINS Genealogy Infancy (1:1-17)(2:1-23) 1:12:23 (ADULT) PRELIMINARYEVENTS Preaching - John (3:1-12) Baptism(3:13-17) Temptation(4:1-11) Positioning(4:12-16) 3:14:16 B.A. CALL-Disciples 4: B. Announcement of Kingdom through Teaching, Preaching, and Healing: (4:23; 9:35; 11:1) 4:2311:111:1 C. Dual Response to the Announcement the Announcement Accept- ance by Disciples Rejection by Israel as Whole 16:20 A. Movement Towards Death and Resurection (16:21; 17:22-23; 20:17-19) Events of Jesus’ Passion Anticipated in Journey to Jerusalem (16: :34) Events of Jesus’ Passion Anticipated in Confrontations at Jerusalem(21:1-25:46) 16:21 (22) 25:46 B. Events of Death and Resurrection Trials and Crucif- ixtion (26:1- 27:54) Resur-rection&Com-mission-ing(27:55-28:20) 26:1 28:20 From that time Jesus Began.... (4:17) From that time Jesus Began.... (16:21) Sermon On Mount ch MissionaryDiscoursech.10 3ParableDiscoursech.13 4CommunityDiscoursech.18 5EschatologicalDiscoursech Five Major Speeches(“Discourses”), Concluding with “When Jesus Finished These Sayings....” or the like (7:28; 11:1/ 16:53; 19:1; 26:1) 4:16 MatthewMatthew
Unique Contributions of Matthew 3. Jesus as Teacher - Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5-7) - Mission of the 12 (Matt 10) - Parables (Matt 13) - Community Discourse (Matt 18) - End Times Discourse (Matt 24-25)