Chapter 12 The Four Gospels by Chaplain Ron McCants
The Literary Worlds of The Gospels
Mark: The Secret Revealed through Suffering Matthew: A Higher Righteousness Luke: Good News for All John: The Journey of Jesus
Mark: The Secret Revealed through Suffering This crucial theme: This Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. John the Baptizer, "He who is mightier than I" Mark 1:7 Mark 8:18 Jesus Rebukes the Twelve
Matthew: A Higher Righteousness The genealogy in Matthew 1:1-17 Matthew 7:28 Like Moses, Jesus delivers an authoritative teaching from a mountain: "You have heard of old… but I say to you…" Clarity of the old. Matthew 26:42 Jesus acceptance of the cross
Luke: Good News for All Theophilus "friend of God" Universalism - "all the people Mt. 2:10 Social Justice - Mary Magnificat - Mt. 1:46-55 Compassion for Outcasts - Those branded with social disapproval receive his attention as in Matthew 7:36-50; 17:11-19; 19:1-10 The Role of Women - Two sisters, Mary and Martha, Mt. 10:38-42 The Holy Spirit - Mt. 3:21-22 on Jesus Risen Lord - Mt. 24:52
John: The Journey of Jesus Proclamation of the "Good News" John 20:31 The beginning of Jesus' ministry – Jn 2:13-25 The "LOGOS" is identified with the light of creation (Gen. 1:3-4) and is the true source of religious illumination. Curing a blind man in Jerusalem, John 9
The Historical World: The Settings of the Gospels
Mark the Earliest First Peter 5:13 Acts 12:12 Assumption that readers are not familiar with Hebrew and Aramaic- Mark 5:41; 7:3-4, 22
Matthew the Tax Collector Matthew 9:9 and 10:3 Presupposes tension between traditional Jews and Christians
Luke the Physician also the author of Acts Colossian 4:14 and 2 Timothy 4:11 Acts reflects the influence of Pauline theology
John the "beloved disciple" The Evangelist John 21:24 Portrays Jesus as the Redeemer who came from the Father to reveal God's glory on earth and then returned to the Father. The Johannine School include studies of John's letters 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Revelation
Class Assignment Use the handout Skim through Chapter 12 and write some characteristics of the literary world, historical world, and contemporary world of the gospels. Be prepared to discuss in class