Cancer (Part 2)
Treatment SURGERY If tumour is easily accessible Chemotherapy Treatment of cancer using drugs Slow or stop the cancer cells from dividing Or kill the cells
Taken by injection or orally Side effects may include hair loss, nausea, fatigue Often used as a follow up to surgery to get any cancer cells that may have spread (metastasized)
Radiation Radiation harms cells that are in the process of dividing – i.e. in mitosis Since cancerous cells do not stay in interphase as long, they are more affected by radiation than healthy cells Radiation can be focussed on tumour using a focussed beam or by implanting a radioactive source into the tumour
Radiation often used to shrink tumours so that surgery can become an option
Biophotonics Newest type of treatment Uses beams of light to detect and treat cancer Fewer side effects Much of the research in this field is being done at University of Toronto!!
1) A treatment method using drugs that are activated by exposure to light. 2) Drug = photosensitizer That generates oxygen radicals when exposed to laser light. 3) Reactive oxygen species can directly kill cancer cells, or Cut off blood (and oxygen supply),which strangles the tumor.
Immunotherapy attempts to stimulate the immune system to reject and destroy tumors Used for bladder cancer Immunotherapy (not showing) Immunotherapy
Cancer Screening Done in different ways for different cancers Especially important if you have a family history of cancer Genetic screening Breast cancer and testicular cancer: self exam Pap test : screens for cervical cancer Blood tests Colonscopy : colon cancer
ABCDE’s of Skin Cancer (3) These are the general characteristics used to identify skin growths of possible concern A – asymmetry – one half doesn’t look like the other B – border – irregular, ragged or blurred edges C – color – a mixture of colors or marks that change color D – diameter – a growth more than 6 millimeters across E – evolution – changes in shape, size or color
Detection of Skin Cancer Images Courtesy of: The Skin Cancer Foundation, Asymmetry Border Colo r Diamete r
Lifestyle Choices Avoid smoking Healthy diet (lots of fruits and vegetables) `super` foods Tomatoes, carrots, avocados, grapefruit, red grapes, broccoli, garlic, raspberries, nuts, cabbage, figs MYTH: There is no evidence that antiperspirants cause breast cancer.
Diagnosing Cancer Signs: tumour can cause swelling, discomfort, tiredness, weight loss THE EARLIER CANCER IS DIAGNOSED, THE BETTER THE CHANCES OF SURVIVAL Unfortunately, it is not always easy to diagnose
Imaging Technologies X-ray
X-rays can penetrate different tissues,bone, etc to different depths causing difference on the x-ray film X-rays can cause DNA damage Particularly harmful to cells in the process of mitosis Women who are pregnant should not have X-rays done
Ultrasound Uses high frequency sound waves and the timing of the echo to determine the shape of things inside our bodies
Ultrasound Ultrasound Ultrasound of breast tumour
CT scanning (Computer Axial Tomography) Multiple xrays from different angles are taken and assembled to get a more `full picture` of what is going on CAT scanning CAT scanning CAT scanning (skip to 23:10)
MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) Uses radio waves and a magnetic field Creates detailed images Can create 3D models
Endoscopy Fibre optic cable Used to look for abnormal growths Sample of growth then examined under the microscope to see if it is malignant Should start having at least at the age of 50 – earlier if you have family history of colon cancer
Colon cancer Colon cancer Colon cancer Colonoscopy live Colonoscopy live Colonoscopy live colonoscopy polyp removal colonoscopy polyp removal colonoscopy polyp removal colonscopy of cancerous tumour colonscopy of cancerous tumour colonscopy of cancerous tumour
Examining Cells After sample of tumour or cells is removed (called a BIOPSY), it is examined sample under microscope Cancer cells are often irregular in shape Important to know where cancer originated, how much it has spread, and how quickly it is growing (often given a `stage`- i.e. stage 1,2,3,4
Terry Fox 18 years old Bone cancer Leg was amputated Ran more than 5000 km!!! From St.John`s Newfoundland to Thunder Bay, Ontario!! Cancer had spread to his lungs and he died at 22 In his name, HUNDRED OF MILLIONS have been raised for cancer research!!