Chunyan Shao (Shandong University)
Introduction: Who you are, Purpose of writing Body: 1. Scholarship 2. your interest of study: relevant recent study (specific) achievement (paper, research) 3. what you know about them: their achievement (specific) relevance to you (help) 4. your plan of this visit: Do what? 5. your cooperation: help your study help them Concluding remark:
Be clear Be organized: Each item in a paragraph Be polite: No imperative Be formal (unless write to your friend): Use more indirect speech
Who you are Dear Prof. / professor Smith, I am a lecturer / an associate professor / professor/ doctor at Shandong University, China. Purpose of writing I am writing to ask whether there is a visiting scholar position available for me at your department / lab. I was wondering if there is…
I have been granted a scholarship of a one- year visit from Jan 2013 to Jan 2014 by China Scholarship Council. It will cover all my expenses in the U.S.
I am interested in _____________. Specifically, I studied___________________ and published _________ papers on that topic.
You have been the leading scholar in this field, esp. your theory of / study on ______ has helped a lot in my investigation of________________.
During this visit, I plan to investigate __________________. That is, ______________ (explanation).
Your insight in _______ and your analytical procedure will be of great help to me in _____________ / help me explain __________. I am sure that I can benefit a lot from working with you. I would be extremely grateful if you could give me this opportunity to learn from you.
I am looking forward to your early reply. I would appreciate it if you could give me a reply at your earliest convenience.
Dear Prof. XXX, I am…. I am writing to… I have been granted….It will cover…. I am interested in…, specifically…. You are…, esp. your theory / research / experiment on…help me…in my… I plan to… That is… Your theory / ideas…help me…and I will benefit… I would be greatly honored if you could… I am looking forward to your earliest reply. Best wishes YYY
You are going to stay in Chicago for one year as a visiting scholar. Write to your friend there to ask him / her to rent an apartment for you. You are going to stay in Chicago for one year as a visiting scholar. And you are interested in an apartment posted on the Net. Write to the landlord to ask for information about the apartment.
What are the most important things for apartment renting? That is, what should be included in your ? Price? Location? Transportation? Laundry? Parking lot? Electricity / gas / water? Reputation? Structure: wood or concrete? Neighborhood? Security? Floor? Utility: swimming pool, tennis court, sports?