Annex 2: Food and income security program CARE Liberia
Impact Group Women/child (between ) headed households in rural areas who have: been affected by war little or no cultivated land and low production low income (under $0.5 per day) Low assets Regular hunger gaps and/or low nutritional status Work on other people’s farms Do not send their children to school and are illiterate High levels and frequency of child mortality
Impact Group Recognize the disabled, sick & very old people also need attention Recognize the youth in Liberian context.
Program Goal In 10 years, vulnerable and poor women/child headed households will be food and income secure with improved nutritional status.
Improved technical practice and increased access to quality services Vulnerabl e and poor women/ child headed househol ds will be food and income secure with improved nutritiona l status Relevant GoL ministries & depts & other key actors are committed and have improved management systems that are accountable & transparent & responsive & have improved technical capacity Great social cohesion through: increased commitment & confidence; improved attitudes and high levels of trust THEORY OF CHANGE
Great Social Cohesion Improved technical practices and increased access to quality services improved management systems Specific focus on increasing commitment & confidence of people in their own development and improved attitudes as well as increasing levels of trust. Focus on improving agriculture, livestock & nutrition practices, inputs and technologies as well as increasing access to markets and financial services Domain of Change Relevant GoL ministries & depts. & other key actors are committed & have improved management systems that are accountable & transparent & responsive & have improved technical capacity.
Pathway – Great Social cohesion 1.P romotion of equal rights 2.R espect for the rule of law 3.E mpowerment of women through skill training 4.C ompulsory and affordable education for all 5.S elf discipline 6.I mproved cooperative culture.
Pathway – Pathway – Improved technical practice & increased access to quality services Food, income and nutrition 1.D iversified farming 2.P romotion of skills training. 3.A ccess to employment opportunities 4.V ocational training & opportunity for internship
Pathway – Pathway – Improved technical practice & increased access to quality services Water and Sanitation 1.A ccess to improved infrastructure & access to quality water and sanitation services 2.I ncreased coverage of clean water services 3.T rade and business opportunities.
Pathway – improved management systems 1.R elevant training for capacity building 2.I mproved incentive for GOL extension workers 3.T rust building 4.P romote development consciousness through sensitization. 5.I mprove local partnership.
Impact Indicators Income poverty reduction Increased, sustained and stable assets in women and child headed households. Proportion of population below $1 per day Food Security & nutrition Prevalence of underweight children under 5 years of age (specifically measure the decrease in malnutrition rates of children in women and child headed households). Proportion of population below minimum level of dietary energy consumption Increased agricultural productivity and food security Reduced child mortality Environment sustainability Proportion of population using improved drinking water sources Proportion of population using improved sanitation facilities Other Reduced illiteracy rate. Governance???
Other areas to consider Coordination between the government and the people Advocacy - CARE to play an advocacy role on issues surrounding these issues. Increase access to nutrition education Climate change Renewable energy and energy efficiency.