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Help a great deal in building body strength. Help a great deal in building body strength. Carbohydrates influence human nutrition. Carbohydrates influence human nutrition. Excellent energy providers. Excellent energy providers. 2 Types: 2 Types: –Simple (sugars) –Complex (starches) Sources: Sources: –Bread, pasta, fruit & veggies, candy, etc…….
Group of compounds that are generally soluble in organic solvents. Group of compounds that are generally soluble in organic solvents. Fat is a component. Fat is a component. May make it sound like something you shouldn’t eat. May make it sound like something you shouldn’t eat. 2 Types: 2 Types: –Simple (nuts) –Complex (oils) Sources: Sources: –Nuts, oils, butter & meats like beef.
Are organic compounds made of amino acids. Are organic compounds made of amino acids. Arranged in a linear chain and folded into a globular form. Arranged in a linear chain and folded into a globular form. Choosing protein-rich foods, pay attention to what comes along with the protein. Choosing protein-rich foods, pay attention to what comes along with the protein. 2 Types: 2 Types: –Simple (beef) –Complex (dairy products) Sources: Sources: Beef, poultry, fish, eggs & seeds, legumes like black beans, etc……………. Beef, poultry, fish, eggs & seeds, legumes like black beans, etc…………….
Dietary fiber can be soluble or insoluble. Dietary fiber can be soluble or insoluble. Cannot be digested. Cannot be digested. Unchanged by fermentation as it passes through the body. Unchanged by fermentation as it passes through the body. 2 Types: 2 Types: –Simple (apple) –Complex (carrot) Sources: Sources: –Carrot, apple, cucumber, etc….
Vitamin is an organic compound required as a nutrient in tiny amounts. Vitamin is an organic compound required as a nutrient in tiny amounts. Cannot be synthesized in sufficient. Cannot be synthesized in sufficient. Food substance only in living things Food substance only in living things 2 Types: 2 Types: –Simple (vitamin C) –Complex (niacinamide) Sources: Sources: –Thiamin, Riboflavin, niacin, etc……..
Helps in the formation of red blood cells. Helps in the formation of red blood cells. Thus helping prevent anemia. Thus helping prevent anemia. Increases energy level. Increases energy level. Promotes a healthy immune system. Promotes a healthy immune system. Nerve function; is required for the proper digestion Nerve function; is required for the proper digestion May protect against smoking-induced cancer. May protect against smoking-induced cancer.
Necessary for red blood cell formation. Necessary for red blood cell formation. Anti-body production. Anti-body production. Cell respiration, and growth. Cell respiration, and growth. Alleviates eye fatigue, and is important in the prevention of cataracts. Alleviates eye fatigue, and is important in the prevention of cataracts. Aids in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Aids in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Promotes the oxygenation of the skin, hair, and nails. Promotes the oxygenation of the skin, hair, and nails. Eliminates dandruff. Eliminates dandruff.
A powerful anti-oxidant which helps protect the cells against cancer by neutralizing “Free Radicals” A powerful anti-oxidant which helps protect the cells against cancer by neutralizing “Free Radicals” Lowers cholesterol levels. Lowers cholesterol levels. Promotes healthy hair and nails Promotes healthy hair and nails Protect against air pollutants and counteracts night blindness and weak eye sight. Protect against air pollutants and counteracts night blindness and weak eye sight. Builds resistance to infections. Builds resistance to infections.
Can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease by inhibiting the formation of homocysteine. Can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease by inhibiting the formation of homocysteine. Aids in maintaining the central of cholesterol around the heart muscle. Aids in maintaining the central of cholesterol around the heart muscle. Aids in maintaining the central nervous system and normal brain. Aids in maintaining the central nervous system and normal brain.
Known as the “Morale Vitamin” because of its beneficial effects on the nervous system and mental attitude. Known as the “Morale Vitamin” because of its beneficial effects on the nervous system and mental attitude. Plays a key role in generating energy. Plays a key role in generating energy. Helps prevent reoccurring canker sores. Helps prevent reoccurring canker sores. Has been used to treat numbness of the hands and feet, poor circulation, tingling sensations, weak or sore muscles, forgetfulness, heavy breathing, and irritability. Has been used to treat numbness of the hands and feet, poor circulation, tingling sensations, weak or sore muscles, forgetfulness, heavy breathing, and irritability.
Just like vitamins, minerals help your body grow, develop, and stay healthy. Just like vitamins, minerals help your body grow, develop, and stay healthy. The body uses minerals to perform many different functions. The body uses minerals to perform many different functions. Building strong bones. Building strong bones. 2 Types: 2 Types: –Simple (rock) –Complex (quartz) Sources: Sources: Feldspar, quartz, mica, and amphibole, etc…….. Feldspar, quartz, mica, and amphibole, etc……..
Water is a ubiquitous chemical substance that is composed of hydrogen and oxygen Water is a ubiquitous chemical substance that is composed of hydrogen and oxygen Essential for all known forms of life. Essential for all known forms of life. Biological bodies and manufactured products. Biological bodies and manufactured products. 2 Types: 2 Types: –Simple (pound) –Complex (air) Sources: Sources: Sea, rivers, lakes, pounds and air, clouds, etc….. Sea, rivers, lakes, pounds and air, clouds, etc…..
Sites used Links Links eat/protein/ eat/protein/ eat/protein/ eat/protein/ carbohydrates.html carbohydrates.html carbohydrates.html carbohydrates.html iew?langId=-1&storeId=201&URL=HowItWorksView iew?langId=-1&storeId=201&URL=HowItWorksView iew?langId=-1&storeId=201&URL=HowItWorksView iew?langId=-1&storeId=201&URL=HowItWorksView