Do you really want to inhale this?
UNSAFE IN ANY FORM TAR – Is the main cause of lung, mouth & throat cancer in smokers. – Aggravates bronchial and respiratory diseases. – STATISTIC: Smoking accounts for 30% of all cancer deaths. It is the major cause of LUNG, LARYNX (voice box), MOUTH, and ESOPHAGUS (throat) cancer. – STATISTIC: About 87% of lung cancer deaths are caused by smoking. Lung cancer is the leading cause of death among both men and women, and is one of the most difficult cancers to treat.
UNSAFE IN ANY FORM NICOTINE – Is a highly addictive drug that first stimulates the brain and then depresses it. – Is also a poison. – Has a dramatic effect on the circulatory system, increasing the heart rate and constricting small blood vessels. – STATISTIC: 70% of smokers want to quit. 35% of smokers try to quit each year. Less than 5% succeed.
UNSAFE IN ANY FORM CARBON MONOXIDE – Is an odorless, colorless and very poisonous gas. – Is taken up faster by the blood in the lungs than oxygen. The blood has less oxygen to supply the cells of the body. – Do you have something in your house that helps protect you against carbon monoxide poisoning?
SHORT-TERM EFFECTS of SMOKING Central Nervous System Respiratory System Circulatory System Musculoskeletal System
Central Nervous System The CNS consists of: The brain, spinal cord, and the body’s nerve network. EFFECTS: Feelings of alertness and being wide awake, followed by feeling relaxed.
Respiratory System The Respiratory System is: – The set of organs that supply the body with oxygen and rid the body of carbon dioxide. EFFECTS: Decreased lung capacity making it harder to breathe and exercise.
Circulatory System Circulatory System: – Made up of vessels and muscles that control the flow of blood in the body. EFFECTS: Increased blood pressure as nicotine causes blood vessels to narrow and blood pressure to rise; the heart also beats faster
Musculoskeletal System What is this? – System that involves muscles, bones, joints ligaments and tendons. EFFECT: Makes it harder for blood to flow to fingers and toes due to constricted blood vessels.
Chewing Tobacco