The First Americans
The first Americans were________________ They arrived in North America by _____________________________________ The Glaciers melted 10,000 years ago, Native Americans began to grow crops for most of their food.
Northwest - fish, berries, and nuts
Northeast – corn, squash, and beans
Southwest – rabbits, deer, corn, beans
4 major civilizations in the Americas were ______________, ________________, __________________, and ____________. The ________________ lived_______________ built________________ developed __________, ____________, and ____________
The __Olmac______ lived _____________ grew______________
The __Maya______________ lived _____________ grew______________
The __Inca______________ lived _____________ grew______________
The __Aztec______________ lived _____________ grew______________
Vikings reach North America 1 st Viking explore to explore North America was __________ He came from __________ to ___________ He left because __________________ __________ came from Italy to the West Indies He discovered many _____________and ____________ Merchants in Europe now wanted what he discovered
Europeans searched for wealth ____________________ of Portugal opened a school for ______________. The 1 st English explore was _____________ he left (date) __________ he discovered__________
______________ was the 1 st Portuguese explore ________________ sailed the Pacific in 1513 for Spain ________________ was the 1 st explorer who sailed completely around the world. ________________ was the 1 st explore to discover America in 1492 the reason Columbus left Spain was to find ____________________________.