1 Show Me the Money An Economic Evaluation of the Future of West Virginia Public Libraries
2 Big Picture – IMLS “Public Libraries Survey Fiscal Year 2007”; June 2009 SourceNational Ranking Real Dollar National Average Local operating revenue per capita 49 th $10.77$31.68 Other operating revenue per capita 44 th $1.53$3.29 State operating revenue per capita 6 th $4.91$2.52 Total operating revenue per capita 49 th $17.46$37.66
3 Per Capita Library Funding - Cities 23 Library Systems receive $ Library Systems are between $0.00 and $ of the 97 Library Systems receive less than the State level GIA of $4.38
4 Per Capita Library Funding - Counties 10 Library Systems receive $ fall between $0.00 and $ of the 97 Library Systems receive less than the State level GIA of $4.38
5 Per Capita Library Funding – Bds. of Educ. 22 of the Library Systems receive $ Library Systems receive between $0.01 and $ between $1.01 and $ of the 97 Library Systems receive less than the State level GIA of $4.38
6 Per Capita Library Funding – Local Tax Based 3 Library Systems receive less than $ Systems between $1.01 and $ Systems between $2.01 and $3.00 Total of 46 systems receive less than the $4.38 per capita of State GIA Only 5 Library Systems are over the national average
7 Per Capita Library Funding - State The first significant increase in over a decade came two years ago This year’s reduction takes State funding from $4.61 to $4.38 per capita Predictions for the next two years are worse 5% reduction in GIA is 41% reduction of the increase of two years ago
8 Library Funding – Admin. Rule The sole intent of the “match” is to increase local funding! It has been effective. Waivers will not be automatic. Waivers will only be granted due to “exceptional or uncontrollable circumstances” To do so would undercut all libraries that have increased funding Living with less does not serve your patrons, your community or your staff
9 Library Funding – The Census There is no indication of when numbers will be final FY 2011 will probably not see the change Projections show little growth but major shifts in where the people are
10 Library Funding – State Level Report
11 Local Library Funding by Source
12 So … now what?
13 Sometimes the unexpected have to step up
14 Options discussed 1. Statewide equivalent of the Special Laws 2. A county level fee based structure 3. A new tax statewide to support public libraries 4. … other ideas?
15 Statewide equivalent of the Special Laws Pros Stable funding Does not require a vote of the citizens Is not “permissive” in participation Cons Immediate opposition of county commissions, boards of education, municipalities Huge money in a difficult economy
16 A county level fee based structure Pros County-by-county adoption Customized for different areas No impact on current funding structures Cons No real model exists (fire fee is close) Some counties could still be left out Will have to fight “permissive” language
17 A new tax statewide to support public libraries Pros New funding stream Eliminates local political battles Not taking on existing funds or organizations supported by existing funds Cons Eliminates local responsibility It’s a tax!
18 … new ideas?
19 It is time for the whole library community to … Decide on a solution Come together with one voice Place all resources behind success
20 Even the Lone Ranger was not alone ….