POST CLASSICAL PERIOD Trade and Faith Define An Age
And thus does their Lord answer their prayer: I shall not lose sight of the work of any of you who works (in My way) be it man or woman. You are members, one of another. Surah Al-I-Imran 3:195 O Prophet, say to thy wives and daughters and the believing women, that they draw their veils close to them; so it is likelier they will be known, and not hurt. - Surah 33:59
Topics Break– fall of classical empires Spread of great world religions Medieval world Growth of trade/interaction Renaissance
The Bookends 600—Great classical empires have fallen 632—Coming of Islam 1000—Trade increases both by land and sea. 1450—Fall of Constantinople and decline of Silk Roads 1450—Europe looks westward toward the Atlantic
Chapter Topics 6-8—Islam and its spread 8—Africa & the spread of Islam 9—Eastern Europe 10—Medieval Europe 11—Americas 12—Chinese Renaissance 13—Japan, Korea and Vietnam 14—Mongols 15—European Renaissance & Exploration
Themes Questions of periodization –Nature and causes of changes in the world history framework leading up to 600 C.E.—1450 as a period –Emergence of new empires and political systems (e.g., Umayyad, ‘Abbasid, Byzantium, Russia, Sudanic states, Swahili Coast, Tang, Song, and Ming China, Delhi Sultanate, Mongol, Turkish, Aztec, Inca) –Continuities and breaks within the period (e.g., the effects of the Mongols on international contacts and on specific societies)
Themes The Islamic world –The rise and role of Dar al-Islam as a unifying cultural and economic force in Eurasia and Africa –Islamic political structures, notably the caliphate –Arts, sciences, and technologies
Themes Interregional networks and contacts –Development and shifts in interregional trade, technology, and cultural exchange –Trans-Sahara trade –Indian Ocean trade –Silk Roads –Economic innovations e.g., Tang, Song, and early Ming China, Swahili Coast trade, economic systems in the Americas –Missionary outreach of major religions –Contacts between major religions, e.g., Islam and Buddhism, Christianity and Islam –Impact of the Mongol empires
Themes Political systems and cultural patterns –East Asia China’s expansion Chinese influence on surrounding areas and its limits (Japan, Vietnam, and Korea) Change and continuities in Confucianism –The Americas Apex and decline of the Maya Rise of the Aztec Rise of the Inca –Restructuring of Europe Decentralization—medieval society Division of Christianity Revival of cities –Africa Sudanic empires (Mali, Ghana, Songhay) Swahili coast –South Asia and Southeast Asia Delhi Sultanate –Vietnam Arts, sciences, and technologies
Themes Demographic and environmental changes –Impact of migrations on Afro-Eurasia and the Americas e.g., Aztecs, Mongols, Turks, Vikings, and Arabs –Consequences of plague pandemics in the fourteenth century –Growth and role of cities e.g., the expansion of urban commercial centers in Song China and administrative centers in Africa and the Americas
Themes Diverse interpretations –What are the issues involved in using cultural areas rather than states as units of analysis? –What are the sources of change: nomadic migrations versus urban growth? –Was there a world economic network in this period? –Were there common patterns in the new opportunities available to and constraints placed on elite women in this period? –To what extent was Dar al-Islam a unified cultural/political entity?
Major Comparisons and Analyses: Examples Compare the role and function of cities in major societies Analyze gender systems and changes, such as the effects of Islam Analyze the interactions between Jews, Christians, and Muslims Compare developments in political and social institutions in both eastern and western Europe Compare Japanese and European feudalism Compare European and sub-Saharan African contacts with the Islamic world Analyze the Chinese civil service exam system and the rise of meritocracy
Development of systematic interactions between civilizations – Trade Contacts 1000 – dependable trade routes – regular product exchange –Silk Road benefited from big empires and peace. Islamic Caliphate Mongol empire –Indian Ocean trade –Trans-Saharan trade –Mediterranean trade
trade contacts continued … Travel increases during this period – Ibn Battuta and Marco Polo Americas: way behind –No disease contact –No technological contact –No animal exchange –Did not use bronze or iron
Technology Growth Maritime –Compass (south pointing needle) –Improved ship building technology (rudders, hulls, sails) Overland –Camel saddle –Stirrup Defense –Short bow –Gunpowder
Movement of peoples Bantu peoples moved along Congo River and further south and east in Africa. (Evidence-Bantu languages) Vikings moved along rivers and oceans into Europe and even the new world. (Viking ships=horses of other nomads) Turks and Mongols moved southward and westward from the steps of Asia bringing bubonic plague to China and Europe. Polynesian migrations with canoes to the islands in the Pacific.
Development of systematic interactions between civilizations – Spread of World Religions Buddhism, Christianity, Islam (most important in the numbers affected) Spread across cultural/political boundaries (missionaries, trade…) –Large numbers convert –Syncretic conversion Accept new beliefs but keep some of their own –Religious map of Eurasia set
Christianity spread in Europe and Eastern Mediterranean –Unifying force during political fragmentation Buddhism spread in Asia –Especially SE Asia where islands had a trade relationship with India Confucianism spread as China’s influence grew in East and SE Asia Islam spread cultural and religious ideas as it expanded under Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates Spread of World Religions continued ….
Why convert to new religions? Decline of classical empires –More chaos, death rates increase China –Buddhism created decline in secular thought Fervency of missionaries Governments used Christianity for power –i.e., Vladimir in Russia became Christian
Islam Rise of Arab Islam Becomes first world class superpower –Before this best was probably India
Religions That Were Not Global Hinduism –Did not travel well outside of India Needed the Caste System Guptas favored Hinduism within India Daoism –No missionary qualities Shintoism (Japan) –No missionary qualities
Spread of Civilization Spreads to other areas Number of definable civilizations increases Because of disunity of Mediterranean world
7 Civilization Areas by 1450 Expanded East Asia S. and S.E. Asia W. Asia (Middle East and N. Africa) Sub Saharan Africa Eastern Europe Western Europe Americas
3 types of civilization Most developed –Middle East, North Africa, India, Byzantine Empire –Classical past to build on –Most trade –Centralized politically –The “developed” world
3 types of civilization Less developed –Japan, Russia, W. Europe, E. Europe, Sub- Saharan Africa, S & E Asia –Some world trade – less processed goods –More decentralized politically Not as large bureaucracies –Active, self-conscious imitators of developed civilizations Copied social and cultural things: religion, alphabets, art
less developed continued … –Copied technology and political structure Didn’t do a good job of it –What Western Europe copied from Islam Gothic arch was Islamic arch Law Science and math Role of reason
Least developed Americas –Not in contact with world or world religions –Didn’t matter until contact occurred – Had their own achievements but not as good as first and second tier countries
Women – good and bad Good –Spread of world religions – Christianity/ Islam / Buddhism –Men and women share spiritual equality –Equality not a belief in Classical society Patriarchal society
women continued … Bad –Politically and economically – major deterioration in the life of women –Veiling – originally from Mesopotamia –Sati – wife on funeral pyre –Footbinding (women as ornamental)
What IS and ISN’T in This Time Religion is in control Politics not as important Not many technological developments Population growth only in some regions
Changes and Continuities Change: Classic empires have fallen and new ones have been created. Change: Migrations of nomadic peoples cause major international changes and diffusion of ideas and diseases Continuity: Religion continues to be important and continues to spread. Continuity: Trade routes continue to grow in importance Continuity: Societies continue to be patriarchal
POST CLASSICAL PERIOD Trade and Faith Define An Age