PERKINS ACCOUNTABILITY New CTE Teacher Workshop September 22 nd and 23 rd, 2015 Krishnan Sudharsan Office of Career and Technical Education Michigan Department of Education
Acknowledgments Members of the GAME Unit Jill Kroll (GAME Unit Supervisor) David MacQuarrie, Valerie Felder, Joan Church, Joe Polasek, Jim Whittaker, and Jackie Martinez Other Office Staff Members PTD Technology 1
Overview Why does the Office of Career and Technical Education (OCTE) collect core performance indicator (CPI) data? Definitions of common terms What are Michigan’s secondary CPIs? What are the state CPI targets for 2016 and what happens if targets are not met? Where can you get CPI data? Importance of data and data dashboards 3
4 Section 113. Accountability Purpose “…to establish and support State and local performance accountability systems…to assess the effectiveness of the State and the eligible recipients of the State in achieving statewide progress in career and technical education...”
5 PIV: Accountability Focus Indicators of performance must be valid and reliable Technical skill assessments aligned with industry-recognized standards Local accountability of eligible recipients is required
6 PIV: Accountability Focus Local recipient must agree to accept state adjusted levels of performance or negotiate Professional development to assist in accessing and utilizing data Local recipient must examine achievement gaps by race, gender, and special population groups within their region, CEPD, program
Basic Definitions What are Regions and CEPDs? – For Perkins administrative purposes, Michigan is divided into 26 regions which in turn are comprised of 54 career education planning districts (CEPDs) 7
8 Michigan Regions Region 26 refers to the EAA and does not have geographical boundaries.
Basic Definitions A CEPD is a group of educational agencies, including K-12 districts, intermediate school districts, and community colleges located in geographical proximity of one another and organized to increase cooperation and articulation in the planning and implementation of career and technical education programs. 9
10 CEPD 54 refers to the EAA and does not have geographical boundaries.
Basic Definitions What are CIPs and what are PSNs? –CIP stands for Classification of Instructional Programs. It is the National Center for Educational Statistics coding system for all instructional programs. –PSN stands for Program Serial Number. A unique number assigned to each program that identifies the CIP code, as well as the CEPD, district, and building, in which a program is located. 11
Basic Definitions What is Segmenting? –Segmenting is Michigan’s way of identifying Career and Technical standards that have been taught to secondary students. –Each CTE program has their standards identified into twelve (12) segments. Twelve was selected as the number of segments because it will fit the delivery for either semester, trimester, or quarters. The sequence of the 12 segments is a local decision based on the program delivery. 12
Basic Definitions Who are concentrators? –Concentrator refers to a secondary student who has completed 7 segments of the 12 segments required for a state-approved CTE program with a 2.0 or higher grade and who has enrolled in an additional segment(s). 13
Basic Definitions Who are completers? –Completer refers to a secondary student who has completed each of the 12 segments of a state-approved CTE program with a 2.0 or higher grade and has taken the required technical skills assessment for that program. 14
Michigan’s Secondary CPIs 1S1: Academic Attainment in Reading 1S2: Academic Attainment in Mathematics 2S1: Technical Skill Attainment 3S1: School Completion 4S1: Student Graduation Rate 5S1: Placement 6S1: Nontraditional Participation 6S2: Nontraditional Completion 15
16 Negotiating Local Adjusted Levels of Performance (ALP)-CPIs 1S1 Acad. Achievement—Reading/LA 1S2 Acad. Achievement—Math –State Perkins targets are NCLB Required Levels –CTE concentrator proficiency
2016: 1S1 and 1S2 Targets 1S1 Target: 55.8% – 90% of target is 50.2% 1S2 Target: 27.0% – 90% of target is 24.3% 17
18 2S1 Technical Skills Attainment CTE concentrator Major changes every year as % of students/programs reported increases 2S1 Target: 60.0% – 90% of target is 54.0%
19 3S1 High School Completion Measure –CTE Concentrator – 5-year cohort – ‘Regular diploma’ plus –GED, certificate –State recognized equivalent 3S1 Target: 95.0% –90% of the target is 85.5%
20 4S1 High School Graduation NCLB Measure CTE concentrator State Perkins target is state NCLB target Review participating districts’ performance 4S1 Target: 95.0% –90% of target is 85.5%
21 5S1 Placement 11 th and 12 th grade completers Postsecondary Education/Training Military Service Employment 5S1 Target: 95.5% – 90% of target is 85.95%
22 6S1 and 6S2 Nontraditional Participation & Completion 6S1 – Participation 6S2 - Completion CTE participants Different CIP codes identified as ‘Nontraditional’ compared to PIII
6S1 and 6S2 Targets 6S1 Target: 26.0% – 90% of the target is 23.4% 6S2 Target is 30.0% – 90% of the target is 27.0% 23
24 Secretary may withhold all or a portion of a state’s funds if:… –State fails to implement an improvement plan –State fails to make improvement in performance levels –State fails to meet at least 90% of level of performance for three consecutive years PIV: Accountability Focus (What if targets are not met by the state?)
25 PIV: Accountability Focus (What if targets are not met by the local?) If a local recipient fails to meet at least 90% of a local adjusted level of performance for any of the core indicators, local recipient shall develop and implement a program improvement plan.
26 PIV: Accountability Focus ( What if targets are not met by the local?) State may withhold all or a portion of a local recipient’s funding if: –Recipient fails to implement an improvement plan –Recipient fails to make any improvement in performance levels –Recipient fails to meet at least 90% of agreed upon state adjusted level of performance for three consecutive years
Where to find CPI data? Perkins Core Performance Indicator Reports: Click Link: “Core Performance Indicator Reports” 27
Core Performance Indicator Trends Click link: “Data and Reports” Click link: “Michigan Core Performance Indicators: Trends by Region” 28
Why is data Important? 55.8% and 51.8% (Data) “The state-wide target for 1S1 for was 55.8% and 51.8% of the students in my CEPD were proficient in Reading/Language Arts.” (Information) “Students in my CEPD are within 90% of the state target for 1S1. I have these students for 3-4 months before they take the MME which gives me and my teachers little time to have an impact on their proficiency rates.” (Knowledge) “I should facilitate collaboration between English teachers and CTE instructors to incorporate Reading/Language Arts into their CTE curriculum so that we can impact their MME scores.” (Wisdom) 30
1S1: Statewide Trends
Data Dashboards Stephen Few “A dashboard is a visual display of the most important information needed to achieve one or more objectives; consolidated and arranged on a single screen so the information can be monitored at a glance.” 32
Characteristics of a Dashboard All visualizations fit on a single computer screen Show most important CPIs to be monitored Interactivity such as filtering and drill-down can be used in a dashboard Not designed exclusively for executives Effective dashboards are easy to understand and use Automatic data updates without any user assistance 33
CTEIS Data Collections –Enrollment used for assessment coordination on: November 27, 2015 January 8, 2016 March 25, 2016 April 15, 2016 NOTE: Check & Resolve student enrollment issues 34 Important Dates
CTEIS Data Collections – Enrollment in Program Enroll early to share with assessment vendors Resolve Student Enrollment Issues –UICs –MSDS – Coordinate with PEPEs Due - May 15, Important Dates
CTEIS Data Collections –Enrollment and Completion Collection (4483): Open June 1, 2015 Close-Due June 26, 2016 –CEPD Validation Due June 24, Important Dates
CTEIS Data Collections Student Placement 5S1 Follow-Up Survey –Open February 2016 –CEPD Validation Due May 2, 2016 –Close-Due OCTE May 9, Important Dates
CTEIS Support PTD Technology is the CTEIS development vendor – –Help Desk: Ext. 128 OR Ext. 128 –Address: 3001 Coolidge Road, Suite 403 East Lansing, Michigan
QUESTIONS ?? THANK YOU Krishnan Sudharsan