Welcome to the Searching for Clients lesson for the North Carolina Immunization Registry. This lesson is intended for all User Roles
From any page where you can see the left hand menu options, click on Manage Client.
You are looking at the Client Search screen. From here you have 3 search options to find clients in the NCIR. Let’s look at these 3 options. You can search by the client’s Last Name, First Name and Birth Date. Even though there is more listed, only the things in blue are needed in order to search for the client. You can also search by Chart Number if it has been entered. Each chart number is organization specific You can also search by the Mother’s Maiden Name and Client’s Birth Date. For this example we are going to search by the Client. We’ll use the Last Name, First Name and Birth Date. Once you enter the search criteria, click Find.
The Screen with the patient’s demographic information will be displayed if the client is in the NCIR. Please verify that this is the actual client that you are looking for. Double check the full name, birth date and responsible person information to ensure that you have the correct client. This Client ID number is a universal ID number for your client in the NCIR
If your client is not in the NCIR you will see a message that says, “No clients were found for the requested search criteria.” If your client is not in the NCIR, you will need to enter them as a new client by clicking Add this Client. (See Entering a New Client lesson)
This concludes the Searching for Clients lesson. If you have any questions please feel free to contact your Regional Consultant or the Immunization Branch Help Desk