Artist’s Name Here Your Name Class Class Period Due Date
Write a sentence or two defining the Stylistic Category/Period Name of Stylistic Category/Period Goes Here Dates of the period go here
Birth date: Death date: Place of Birth: Education/Training: About the Artist If there is room you may want to put a small picture of the artist or his/her work here. Delete this box before you copy an image.
Interesting Facts About (artist’s name here) Find 5 or 6 interesting facts about your artist. Put them here in bullet points If you run out of space here you may want to make a duplicate slide so you don’t have to cram too many things onto one slide. You might want to include a related small image on this slide for interest.
Name of Artwork Here. Date here. Medium here. (This text box can be moved if necessary.) Find and interesting fact about this artwork. (This text box can be moved if necessary) Place the picture of the artwork here. Find as large an image as possible (500 pixels). DELETE THIS BOX BEFORE YOU COPY YOUR IMAGE
Name of Artwork Here. Date here. Medium here. (This text box can be moved if necessary.) Find and interesting fact about this artwork. (This text box can be moved if necessary) Place the picture of the artwork here. Find as large an image as possible (500 pixels) DELETE THIS BOX BEFORE YOU COPY YOUR IMAGE
Name of Artwork Here. Date here. Medium here. (This text box can be moved if necessary.) Find and interesting fact about this artwork. (This text box can be moved if necessary) Place the picture of the artwork here. Find as large an image as possible (500 pixels) DELETE THIS BOX BEFORE YOU COPY YOUR IMAGE
Name of Artwork Here. Date here. Medium here. (This text box can be moved if necessary.) Find and interesting fact about this artwork. (This text box can be moved if necessary) Place the picture of the artwork here. Find as large an image as possible (500 pixels) DELETE THIS BOX BEFORE YOU COPY YOUR IMAGE
Name of Artwork Here. Date here. Medium here. (This text box can be moved if necessary.) Find and interesting fact about this artwork. (This text box can be moved if necessary) Place the picture of the artwork here. Find as large an image as possible (500 pixels) DELETE THIS BOX BEFORE YOU COPY YOUR IMAGE
Name of Artwork Here. Date here. Medium here. (This text box can be moved if necessary.) Find and interesting fact about this artwork. (This text box can be moved if necessary) Place the picture of the artwork here. Find as large an image as possible (500 pixels) DELETE THIS BOX BEFORE YOU COPY YOUR IMAGE
References References go here. Include the web site and the date accessed as in this example. Double space the references. co_two.htmlhttp:// co_two.html (February 19, 2008) (February 19, 2008)