Chromium (Cr) One of the 9 essential minerals
2500 years ago, Hypocrites, the “Father of Medicine”, said to his students “Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food”. In 1959, the mineral chromium was identified as an active component in human nutrition. Our bodies need Cr for normal growth and health, but it must be obtained from our diet. Cr is part of the Glucose Tolerance Factor (with B3 and amino acids) necessary for the regulation of blood sugar levels. Cr works with insulin for normal glucose metabolism and conversion of amino acids into protein.
Some causes of depletion: Continued stress Frequent sugar consumption Infection Strenuous physical exercise Pregnancy Deficiency is implicated in adult onset of diabetes.
Deficiency Symptoms: Excessive or cold sweats Dizziness or irritability after 6 hrs without food (Hypoglycemia) Need for frequent meals Cold hands Need for excessive sleep or drowsiness during the day Excessive thirst
Cr can be expected to lower blood sugar to some degree and insulin levels may need to be adjusted to avoid episodes of hypoglycemia. Cr is important in the metabolism of fats and carbs Cr stimulates fatty acids and cholesterol synthesis and is an activator of several enzymes. Cr also plays a role in the regulation of blood cholesterol levels. A study showed modest reductions in plasma cholesterol and LDL cholesterol in patients with high cholesterol as a result of treatment with Cr picolinate for 6 weeks. (Humans, laying hens and pigs) Cr3 – Cr picolinate and vanadyl sulfate are two mineral compounds being added to many nutritional supplements because they are purported to have positive effects on energy and protein metabolism and body composition. Other Uses and Effects
RDA Cr is an essential trace element for humans, and the recommended daily allowance (RDA) is between 50 – 200 micrograms/day. Dr. Richardson Anderson, a US Dept. of Agriculture scientist who has spent most of is career studying Cr points out that “since chromium is a nutrient and not a therapeutic agent, it will only benefit those people whose signs and symptoms are due to marginal or overt chromium deficiency.
Where Do I Get it? Cr 30 micrograms (as picolinate) can be found in: Liver Seafood (oysters, fish) Whole grains/whole wheat bread Mushrooms Asparagus Brewers yeast (trivalent chromium active factor CrCl3) Egg yolk Molasses Beer Meats (beef, chicken, calves liver) Green peppers Apples Bananas Spinach Butter Dairy products (cheese) Potatoes with skin Black pepper Thyme
Symptoms of toxicity: Vertigo Abdominal pain Vomiting Convulsions Shock and coma (these are normally due to exposure in industrial processes) Cr4 compounds are carcinogenic and can induce testicular atrophy in rats but there is no evidence that Cr3 has any such risks. Toxicity?