Henry Hudson By Bobby kunz and Harry Benet
Personal background No body really was positive when and were he was born they think he was born in England and was born around he was born September 12, He died June 22, Before he was a explorer his job was a cabin boy. That is a boy who cleans a ship and works. He worked on the ship when he was 16. He started exploring on may 1,1607. so he worked for a cabin boy a long time. So he only explored for 4 years.
The sponsor for his voyages He sailed for English and then Dutch Merchants.
Motives (why did he sail) Henry Hudson explored because he wanted to find a northwestern passage to Asia. But his ship, The Hopewell, could not travel through the ice. After 1609, the English lost interest in Hudson's hope to find a northwestern route, so the Dutch East India Company hired him. So that’s why England wanted him to sail.
Intersting facts Hudson was born and raised in England and his birth date is unknown. He started sailing as a cabin boy at age sixteen. After seven years Hudson was promoted to the position of apprentice. By 1607, Hudson had become an experienced sailor. Hudson founded the Hudson River in Hudson sailed into the Hudson Bay in Hudson had two ships, The Hopewell and The Half Moon
Henry Hudson's route On May 1, 1607, Hudson, his son, and 11 other crew members sailed from England on the Hopewell. He and his crew went past Greenland toward the North Pole. They were working for an English trading company and were hoping to find a quicker way to get from England to the Far East, by way of the Arctic Ocean. In the next two years, he tried twice more to find a "northeast passage" but failed and returned to England
Date His first voyage was on may 1 st 1607 and they don’t know when he returned.
Henry Hudson's impact He searched for a route to India by trying to sail through the Northwest Passage in northern Canada. Hudson Bay and Hudson Strait in Canada are named after him, as well as the Hudson River in the US. He made four voyages in four years before he disappeared in the north. As one of the Inuit people has said, He was a white man who came north, got lost, and died, and had a bay named after him. His contributions to the world are a matter of perspective.