1 Introducing Danielson’s Framework for Teaching NYCDOE | November
2 Workshop 1: Introducing the Competencies Objectives: Participants will: Understand the logic and structure of the Framework for Teaching Explore the priority competencies and how they can support improving teacher practice
3 3 The Wisdom of Practice If you were to walk into a classroom, what might you see or hear there (from the students as well as the teacher) that would cause you to think that you were in the presence of an expert? What would make you think: “Oh, this is the classroom of a highly effective teacher.” The Framework for Teaching Charlotte Danielson
4 Bucketing Activity: Share and sort your post- its into categories and agree on a label for each bucket. 4 Label:___
5 Domain Focus— Adapted from Danielson’s Framework for Teaching 5 Planning and Preparation Classroom Environment Instruction Professional Responsibilities What a teacher knows and does in preparation for teaching. All aspects of teaching that lead to a culture for learning in the classroom. Professional responsibilities and behavior in and out of the classroom. What a teacher does to engage students in learning.
6 6 The Framework for Teaching Domain 3: Instruction a. Communicating With Students b. Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques c.Engaging Students in Learning d.Using Assessment in Instruction e. Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness Domain 1: Planning and Preparation a. Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy b. Demonstrating Knowledge of Students c. Setting Instructional Outcomes d.Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources e. Designing Coherent Instruction f. Designing Student Assessments Domain 2: The Classroom Environment a. Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport b. Establishing a Culture for Learning c. Managing Classroom Procedures d. Managing Student Behavior e.Organizing Physical Space Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities a. Reflecting on Teaching b. Maintaining Accurate Records c. Communicating with Families d. Participating in a Professional Community e. Growing and Developing Professionally f. Showing Professionalism The Framework for Teaching Charlotte Danielson
7 Reflection: In what ways do these competencies capture classroom practice? Which of the priority competencies are most relevant to your work? Why?
8 Workshop 2: Gathering Evidence and Examining Practice Part 1: Gathering Evidence Objectives: Participants will: Understand what low-inference evidence is and how it helps us accurately interpret teacher practice Use a rubric to interpret teacher practice
9 Interpreting Evidence From Observations Evidence is a factual reporting of events. Evidence may include teacher and student actions and/or behaviors. It may also include artifacts prepared by the teacher or students. Evidence is free of evaluation or interpretation. 9 InterpretationLow-Inference Evidence The pacing of the lesson was slow, allowing for student restlessness, disengagement, and disruptive behavior. Joe finished his independent work before the allotted time and then took Jane’s pen and materials. The teacher made a connection to previous learning. The teacher said “today’s activities are an extension of the work we did yesterday.”
10 Evidence vs. Opinion… Read each statement. Decide – is it low- inference evidence or opinion? Discuss your answer with your elbow partner. If you agree that the statement is an opinion, how would you reword the statement so that it is an evidence statement.
11 The teacher said, “I assure you that today’s lesson will be quite interesting.” The teacher has planned and organized for maximum effect. The last activity, discussion of the key scene, was rushed. The teacher said that the Civil War was a tragedy for U.S. civilization. Evidence vs. Opinion…
12 Reflection: Why is it important to collect low-inference evidence before trying to assess teacher practice? How can low-inference evidence support teacher development?
13 Activity 2: Using the Competencies to Interpret Teacher Practice Objectives: Participants will: practice taking low-inference evidence understand how to code or sort evidence interpret teacher practice aligned to the competencies
14 Preparing to Observe While you view: Take low-inference notes, take down as much as you can. We will only view the video once, as we can only view classroom practice once. Coding sheets have plenty of room for you to collect evidence and a column to allow you to go back and identify what competencies are implicated by the evidence as well as note questions or other inferences. It helps us keep the evidence separate from our interpretations of it.
15 View Video of Teacher Practice
16 Reviewing Evidence Low-inference evidence share: In turn, each participant will share one thing they observed Make sure each item shared is low inference Each participant should have a turn to share before participants share additional evidence
17 Connecting Evidence to the rubric Review your own notes, (you may also add any evidence that another participant shared) Code your notes to identify which competencies your evidence supports Note: some evidence may not fit anywhere and some evidence may align to more than one competency.
Improving Practice Identify an effective practice that you observed : What competency does the practice support? What evidence did you gather on this practice? Why is it effective? How can the teacher build on it to further student learning? Use the rubric to identify the next level for this teacher and identify how she or he might get there. Identify an area for growth: Which competency is it aligned to? What evidence did you gather on this area? Why is it a growth area? What can the teacher do to improve student learning? Use the rubric to identify the next level for this teacher in this area and identify how she or he might get there. 18