Science Wednesday September 2, No talking. No exceptions.
Warm Up.. Place your backpacks along the back wall Grab your notebook, pencil, scissors, glue, agenda, and warm up sheet on back counter Complete Wednesday’s warm up now! DO NOT WORK AHEAD! REMEMBER YOU ARE QUIET IN YOUR SEAT WORKING WHEN THE FINAL BELL RINGS
Continue working on: Inference and Observations Graphic Organizer You will work with your table partner to complete this activity for the next 15 minutes Remember as a pair, you will read each statement together and discuss if the statement is an Inference or an Observation - observations will be either quantitative or qualitative
Review: Inference and Observations Graphic Organizer Volunteers…as I read each statement who can tell me where the statement belongs? an Inference or an Observation - observations will be either quantitative or qualitative
Graphic Organizer into Interactive Notebook Take and fold your graphic organizer and glue into your notebook (remember add this entry to your table of contents) Title: Graphic Organizer for Inferences and Observations page ?
Formative Assessment Today You will take a 13 question formative (pre- test) today on Matter This information will be used as we begin this unit next week Take your time and try your best! You will record your answers on a bubble sheet
Procedures for Testing Remember you will receive 2 folders Sit these folders up to make your office space Once you are finished, place your test and answer bubble sheet inside your folder You will then work on the Intro to Matter activity SILENTLY at your desk! I will explain the Intro to Matter activity now
Intro into Matter Activity Step 1: Read the entire article Step 2: Complete the fill in the blank activity USE MUST WRITE EACH SENTENCE INTO YOUR NOTEBOOK AND COMPLETE THE FILL IN THE BLANKS BY USING THE WORD BANK! Add this to your table of contents and label the page Title: Intro into Matter page?
Remainder of the Week Thursday and Friday – 1. Review intro to Matter activity 2. Begin a whirligig lab and continue working on 6.P.2.1 standard – vocabulary activity
Interactive Notebook Add new entry into Table of Contents Intro. in Matter page ? Now turn to page 10 inside your notebook and label the top of the page Intro into Matter
Stations around the room… After successfully completing the graphic organizer and gluing it into your notebook you can begin with the 4 station activities located around the room Come see me when you and your partner are ready for stations! Station 1 – diceStation 2 – index cards Station 3 – crayonsStation 4 – water bath