Your National Beef Checkoff: 25 Years and Counting
2 Launched Oct. 1, 1986 Became mandatory via national referendum of producers in 1988 Your National Beef Checkoff: 25 Years and Counting Purpose is to serve as a catalyst to grow beef demand
3 It’s About Beef Demand 25 Years and Counting
4 Where Do Checkoff Dollars Go? 25 Years and Counting Promotion Research Consumer Information Industry Information Foreign Marketing Producer Communication
5 Name the first “beef” celebrity who said “Beef. Real Food for Real People” Beef Promotion…
6 Spokesmen including James Garner, Robert Mitchum, Sam Elliott & Matthew McConaughey “Beef. Real Food for Real People,” “Beef. It’s What’s for Dinner” Reaching for the Stars Beef Promotion
7 Name today’s beef slogan and the title of our theme song. Beef Promotion…
8 ‘Beef. It’s What’s for Dinner slogan’ - consumer recognition as high as 86 percent during its run Tantalized consumers through radio, television and print ads through 2006 Since 2007, print and online, plus radio ads with Matthew McConaughey’s voice reminding consumers that beef is not only good tasting – but also good for them. Making Beef ‘What’s for Dinner’ Getting Results
9 Why research? Checkoff research is about constantly improving how we convert cattle into tender, juicy, flavorful beef that consumers want to buy Who benefits? Everyone. Producers invest in knowledge to meet consumer demands, so consumers continue to purchase beef Research at the Base Identifying trends, needs & solutions
10 Name one of the new cuts developed from the Beef Muscle Profiling Research
11 Muscle profiling, new product development – Increased value of carcass by identifying new steaks from previously ground muscles; includes flat iron and petite tender Key Research Successes 25 Years and Counting
12 Consumer Information programs address consumer perceptions by breaking through the clutter of media and anti-meat propaganda to get accurate information about cattlemen, beef and the beef industry to consumers worldwide Consumer Information Changing perceptions about beef
13 How many cuts of beef are identified as “lean”?
14 29 Lean Cuts – The base of a solid checkoff program that gives consumers the “permission” they seek to keep eating the beef they love Healthy Beef Cookbook – Comprises more than 130 lean-beef recipes, plus nutrition information and cooking techniques Consumer Information Successes Empowering consumers with knowledge
15 Q: What is ‘Industry Information’? A: Industry Information is information and programs that will lead to development of new markets, marketing strategies, increased efficiency, and activities to enhance the image of the cattle industry. This includes Issues Management. Industry Information 25 Years and Counting
16 The beef checkoff helped maintain consumer confidence in beef in What happened then?
17 Industry Information Successes Issues Management The ‘Cow That Stole Christmas’ Checkoff’s ‘issues management’ program led the way in saving the beef industry from imminent devastation when BSE was identified in a cow in the U.S. on Dec. 23, Scientific information, website, comprehensive communications plan in place instantly “What-if” crisis planning acts as insurance policy to dampen crises Maintained consumer confidence in safety of beef supply throughout
18 Beef checkoff began investing in foreign marketing in mid- 1990s, as trade opportunities emerged; today, we promote beef in more than 80 countries across the globe Foreign Marketing Capitalizing on beef-trade opportunities
19 How much value do exports of beef and beef variety meats add to a fed steer?
20 Source: USDA/USMEF, steer & heifer slaughter 2003: $ Jan.- Sept. 2011: $202 Jan.-Sept. 2011: 14.4% of production exported! Results: Rebuilding After BSE Value of exports, per head slaughtered In 2011, on track to exceed $5 billion in total export value for first time in history!
21 What is the return on investment to cattle producers from the Beef Checkoff Program? $ 5.55 for each $1 invested
22 Challenges Ahead: 1986 vs Gallon of gas $.89 $ 3.26 Lb. ground beef $1.29 $ 3.87 Movie ticket $3.71 $ 8.50 Average Rent $ $ Average Home $89, $303, Beef Checkoff assessment$1$1
23 Value of dollar today vs is about 47 cents Costs of all services up dramatically Up against anti-meat factions with exponentially larger budgets Producers MUST WORK TOGETHER to move forward in this environment! Challenges Ahead: As we begin the NEXT 25 years…