Directions: Hold your book above your head. Your teacher will read the question aloud, then say, ‘ START! ’ Look for the requested fact in the pages of the book. When you find it, be the first person to stand up and raise your book above your head again. Your teacher will call on you to give the right answer. If you’re right, you get a point. If you’re wrong, the next person to stand up with the right answer gets the chance to steal the point.
Question 1 What is Sun Wen’s birth date? START!
Question 2 How much did an adult season ticket to the Everton Ladies’ FC cost in the 2011–2012 season? START!
Question 3 A bit harder... This year, 2013, how old is the women’s Arsenal club? (Do the maths!) START!
Question 4 What did biographer Gail Newsham say about the effects of the FA’s ban of women from the game? Find the quotation! START!
Question 5 What are the three steps of the Player Pathway, according to the narrator, Woody? START!
Question 6 What is a petticoat, according to Woody? START!
Question 7 Name THREE countries that allow girls and boys to play together when they are OLDER than 13. START!
Question 8 Which country has the MOST players on Jen O’Neill’s ‘all-time best football team’? START!
Question 9 According to the map, how long was the SECOND leg of Juhi’s journey to Mizoram? (HINT: Look for the red line heading north...) START!
Question 10 Which of the four featured women players are NOT strikers? START!
Bonus Question 1 (or tie-breaker) Visit Find and watch the video entitled: ‘FAWSL Role Models - Kim Little | FATV’ What kind of drills does Kim say her team uses a lot in training? START!
Bonus Question 2 (or tie-breaker) Visit Find and watch the video entitled: ‘On the Spot: Casey Stoney | FATV’ What are the two hobbies Casey says she enjoys? START!
Bonus Question 3 (or tie-breaker) Visit Find and watch the video entitled: ‘FAWSL Role Models - Alex Scott’ What does Alex call ‘a major thing’ to work on as a full back? START!