Adding and Subtracting Decimals SWBAT fluently add and subtract decimals.
Warm Up 1. Find the prime factorization of 32 2. What is the LCM of 12 and 18? 3. Serena wants to create snack bags for a trip she is going on. She has 6 granola bars and 10 pieces of dried fruit. If the snack bags should be identical without any food left over, what is the greatest number of snack bags Serena can make?
Where do we see Decimals? Spending Money Earning Money Balancing Savings & Checking Accounts Accountants Sports If you have an allowance and you start to spend it, you can subtract what you have spent to know how much you still have left Anytime you are purchasing multiple items, you are adding decimals If you are saving money to purchase gifts or items for yourself you need to add the costs together to know how much you need Anytime you want to find out how much you would save by buying one item over the other you are subtracting decimals
Adding Decimals
Subtracting Decimals 5.6 – – – – – 73.23
Steps to Add and Subtracting: 1) Stack the decimals 2) Line them up by their decimal points 3) Add zeros to any empty place values 4) Add or subtract like normal 5) Bring decimal straight down in your answer
Question 1 Marcus is 1.5 meters tall. His sister, Carol, is 0.1 meter taller than Marcus. Their father is 0.2 meters taller than Carol. How tall is Carol? How tall is their father? Carol is 1.6 m tall. Their father is 1.8 m tall
Question 2 Jennifer brought $14.75 to the baseball game. She spent $3.45 for a hot dog and soda. How much money does she have left? $11.30 left over
Question 3 Allie rides her bike to school which is 1.2 miles away. If she stops at her friend Jessica’s house which is.5 miles from her house. How much farther does she need to ride to get to school?.7 miles farther
Question 4 Andrew weighs pounds. His twin brother, Christopher, weighs pounds. How many more pounds does Christopher weigh? 3.7 pounds more
Question 5 Kendall the tiger recently got weighed. He weighed pounds. His companion, Wilson, weighed pounds more. How much did Wilson weigh in pounds? pounds
Question 6 Daniel had saved $ He gave away $34.08 to charity and bought a new bike helmet for $ How much money in dollars and cents did he have left over? $41.60 left over
Exit Ticket 1. Add: Subtract: 9.04 – Ms. Dalton went to Dunkin Donuts and bought a donut for $0.79 and a coffee for $2.35. What was her total?