Overview of the 11 th CJK IT Standards Meeting (CJK-11) ARIB, TTC 1 M2M Meeting of Potential Consolidation Partners # March 2012 in Tokyo, Japan
Meeting schedule of CJK-11 ( March 2012 in Miyazaki, Japan) Time WednesdayThursdayFriday 14 March15 March16 March 08: :00 Registration (Foyer/4F) 09: :30 Opening Plenary (Juyo/4F) IMT WG (Fountain/2F) UNIOT WG (Kaiho/3F) TACT/Drafting (Orchard South/2F) (Orchard North/2F) (Phoenix Anteroom/2F) Closing Plenary (Juyo/4F) 10: :00 Coffee (Juyo/4F)Coffee (Atrium/2F & Foyer/3F) 11: :30 Openign Plenary (Juyo/4F) IMT WG (Fountain/2F) UNIOT WG (Kaiho/3F) Drafting (Orchard South/2F) Closing Plenary (Juyo/4F) 12: :00 Lunch (Pine Terrace) HoD Lunch (Shinryo/3F) Lunch (Pine Terrace) 14: :30 IMT WG (Fountain/2F) UNIOT WG (Kaiho/3F) TACT/Drafting (Orchard South/2F) (Orchard North/2F) (Phoenix Anteroom/2F) IMT WG (Fountain/2F) UNIOT WG (Kaiho/3F) ITU&CJK HoD MTG (Orchard South/2F) Technical tour 15: :00 Coffee (Atrium/2F & Foyer/3F) 16: :30 IMT WG (Fountain/2F) UNIOT WG (Kaiho/3F) TACT/Drafting (Orchard South/2F) (Orchard North/2F) (Phoenix Anteroom/2F) IMT WG (Fountain/2F) UNIOT WG (Kaiho/3F) TACT/Drafting (Orchard South/2F) (Orchard North/2F) (Phoenix Anteroom/2F) 17: :00 Intermission 18: :00 Reception (Zuiyo/3F) 2
Agenda of CJK-11 plenary SessionAgendaSubjectDocument item # [CJK-PLE11-xxx] 9: :30 Opening Plenary 1 Opening by Plenary Chairman 2 Welcome remarks by meeting hosts 3 Addresses by Guests 3.1Address by Mr. Malcolm Johnson, ITU001(ITU) 3.2Address by Dr. Ramjee Prasad, GISFI002(GISFI) 4 Approval of agenda and allocation of documents 003r3(Chair) 5 Approval of draft minutes of CJK-10 Meeting 004(TTA) 6 CJK member presentation on recent activities 6.1CCSA006r1(CCSA) 6.2TTA007(TTA) 6.3ARIB008(ARIB) 6.4TTC009(TTC) 7 Report of Working Groups since CJK IMT WG010(IMT Chair) 7.2UNIOT WG011(UNIOT Chair) 7.3NID/USN WG012(NIDUSN Chair) 7.4TACT 013(ARIB), 024(TTA) 7.5Others if any 8 Discussions on newly proposed items 8.1MPLS-TS 015&016(TTC) (CCSA) 8.2Security021&022(TTA) 8.3M2M023(TTA) 8.4Others if any 9 AOB (Logistics, etc.) 10 Closing of Opening Plenary 3 SessionAgendaSubjectDocument item # [CJK-PLE11-xx] 9: :30 Closing Plenary 11 Approval of the draft minutes of groups 11.1IMT WG UNIOT WG M2M adhoc Security WG28r1 11.5TACT MPLS-TS adhoc HoD meeting34 12 Next meeting (host and schedule)35 13 AoB 14 Closing remarks 15 Closing
Summary of M2M-related discussion in CJK-11 The 11 th CJK IT Standards Meeting* was held on March 2012 in Miyazaki, Japan, and M2M Ad Hoc Group was set up during the meeting. The Ad Hoc Group discussed possible action items among CJK to correspond to the global activities relevant to M2M, such as oneM2M. CJK IT Standards Meeting agreed to keep discussion by ad hoc meeting to implement the action items. Detailed meeting report of the M2M Ad Hoc is shown in Attachment-1. 4 *A collaboration framework among SDOs of China, Japan and Korea (ARIB, CCSA, TTA and TTC) in Global ICT Standardization Area.
M2M Ad Hoc Meeting Report ICT for Sustainable World Human Happiness Ad Hoc Group and Fumihiko “Tom” Tomita Attachment-1 A-1
CJK-11, Miyazaki, March, 2012 Agenda 1.Objectives 2.Background and Inputs 3.Action Items 4.Proposals 5.Comments Participants A-2
CJK-11, Miyazaki, March, Objectives Background: Many standards organizations around the world have been having lots of discussions on M2M. Because the area of M2M standardization activities is very wide and spread, the collaboration among CJK should be effective and efficient. For more efficient collaboration on M2M standardization activities, we need to find out our strategic direction and the way to harmonize among CJK. A-3
CJK-11, Miyazaki, March, Background and inputs 1/2 Many SDOs have M2M standardization activities including TC-10 in CCSA, PG708 and M2M/IoT Forum in TTA, M2M Study Ad Hoc Group in ADWICS in ARIB, I3C in TTC, IoT WG in GISFI, TR-50 in TIA, and TC-M2M in ETSI. M2M Consolidation activity has started in 2011, and oneM2M will start its activities in May, 2012 as reported by TTA (CJK-PLE11-023: Progress Report on “oneM2M” (Information Only)). IoT-GSI and JCA-IoT in ITU have started in 2011.GSIJCA A-4
CJK-11, Miyazaki, March, Background and inputs 2/2 ITU-R has approved two deliverables relevant to M2M access networks (Recommendation ITU-R M.[LMS.WASN] and Report ITU-R M.2224 on Wide Area Sensor Networks) ITU-T FG-M2M service layer has just started, which aims to study requirements and specifications for a common M2M service layer with an initial focus on APIs and protocols supporting e-health applications and services.M2M A-5
CJK-11, Miyazaki, March, Action Items Coordinate among CJK the global M2M standardization Share and exchange Information (use cases, verticals, etc.) among CJK Stimulate discussion among CJK of new ideas on M2M business and technology Identify how to engage in a wide range of verticals Keep the wide view, and also find the way to integrate wide and diverse views Identify specific work items requiring CJK coordination (e.g., service layer, access networks) A-6
CJK-11, Miyazaki, March, Proposals Use the correspondence and/or ad-hoc meeting under the CJK IT standards meeting to discuss the implement of the Action Items including the needs to establish a CJK M2M WG. Establish of New M2M WG How? When? A-7
CJK-11, Miyazaki, March, Comments Comment from Observer: It seems that given the importance of the M2M topic as communicated by the four CJK SDOs and ITU HODs at the opening plenary, it would be useful for CJK to consider forming an M2M Working Group at this meeting to coordinate the CJK M2M work. Comment from Observer: Given the work already underway in ITU-T and ITU-R on M2M, and the fact that setting up oneM2M still requires the resolution of a number of open issues: financing the secretariat support, IPR/Legal, working methods, and how to approve the output as a global standards; the four CJK SDOs are invited to consider the ITU offer to provide secretariat support to the oneM2M activity under the ITU umbrella. This would resolve all the open issues. A-8
CJK-11, Miyazaki, March, 2012 Participants ARIB: Masayoshi WAKAO CCSA: Hu Jinling, Yang Juan, Wang Xue MIN, Shizhuo ZHAO, Yang ZEMIN TTA: DJ KIM, Youn Kwan KIM, Choong Keun OH, Euntaek LIM, Kishik PARK, TTC: Yoshinori GOTO, Yoichi MAEDA, Yukio YAMANAKA Observer: ITU: Biel JAMOUUSSI, Fabio LEITE GISFI: Anand R. PRASAD, Ramjee PRASAD Secretariat: Fumihiko TOMITA (TTC) A-9