Example 2 Adding Integers Find the sum 4.4. + 12 – CHECK You can use a number line to check your answer. 4+12 –= 8 – Use sign of number with greater absolute.


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Presentation transcript:

Example 2 Adding Integers Find the sum – CHECK You can use a number line to check your answer –= 8 – Use sign of number with greater absolute value. Different signs, so subtract from. 12 – 4

Example 3 Using Addition Properties Find the sum using the order of operations. Inverse property of addition () +7 – 7 () 8 – + () 5 – + = () 8 – + 0 () 5 – + = 8 – () 5 – + Identity property of addition = 13 – Same sign, so sum has common sign

Example 4 Adding More Than Two Integers You have $50 in your checking account at the beginning of the month. The record below shows all of your account transactions during the month. How much money is in your account after these transactions ? BANKING

Example 4 Adding More Than Two Integers SOLUTION Add the positive amounts the deposits and the negative amounts the payments to your beginning balance. () () = 30+ () 12 – + () 24 – () 36 – = 100+ () 36 – = 64 ANSWER After the transactions shown, there is $64 in your account.

Guided Practice Find the sum. Identify any addition properties you use. for Examples 2, 3, and – () 15 – + ANSWER Closure property of addition 35 ; – 18 () – + () 54 – + 5. ANSWER Inverse property of addition, Closure property of addition 54 ; –

Guided Practice for Examples 2, 3, and 4 6. WHAT IF? $50 ANSWER In Example 4, suppose that the T-shirt costs $18 and the final deposit is $22. What is the balance of the account?