Electronic Serials at UPS Prepared by Peggy Firman For: Portals/Orbis Ejournals Workshop May 9, 2002
History of Periodicals Holdings 197u? Periodicals Directory 1992III installation 1993Directory from catalog 1993Business Periodicals Ondisc, 1993
Print Periodicals Directory AAUP BULLETIN : QUARTERLY PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS. Paper: v.42: Shelved in Room 009. Microfilm: v AAUW JOURNAL. Paper: v ABA BANK COMPLIANCE. ABI/INFORM: Nov Earlier issues may be available. ABA JOURNAL. ABI/INFORM: February Earlier issues may be available. Research Library Complete: February ABACUS. Paper: v Incomplete: v.29. Recent issues at Periodicals Display. ABI/INFORM: Issues available via Fax. Expanded Academic Index: March 1995-
Periodical Holdings Goals Accuracy and completeness Currency User centered All journals in the catalog All holdings on one record All holdings together in record Consistency across the catalog
Current Procedures All versions on a single bib Checkin record for physical pieces Retire checkins when full, discontinued Place all summary holdings in bib record Create items for each source
More complex holdings
Benefits and costs No checkin needed Holdings in 1 place Holdings together Control title changes Catalog central source Not scaleable New databases High maintenance III display Deletions Nonstandard fields Orbis implications
Future Goals 1 source tracking License and # of users ; reproduction Provider data ; billing data Automatic holdings updating Appropriate title and holdings alert Interfaces between vendors and catalog Overcoming the aggregator pages