An examination of retirement rate patterns among California pre-K–12 certificated educators California Educational Research Association Annual Conference December 1, 2011 Tony Fong Reino Makkonen
Recent recession has impacted district budgets –California has a budget deficit of approximately $25 Billion –California’s unemployment rate recently at 12% –In 09/10, 174 out of 1,077 LEAs issued “qualified” or “negative” certifications regarding their financial status (EdSource 2010) Baby boomers reaching peak retirement ages Previous studies of all workers in general have found that workers are delaying retirement in response to the recession –Is this the case for educators? Overview
State education leaders interested in how the recent recession has impacted the rate of retirement among certificated educators in California Integrated Leadership Development Initiative requested this study California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Association for California School Administrators California Comprehensive Center Researchers County office representatives Rationale for this Study
Gaining a better understanding of the educator labor force will assist policy-makers in addressing workforce needs –Demographics of the workforce –Retirement trends over time –Post-retirement employment Rationale for this Study
1.How has the age distribution of educators changed over time? 2.How have the retirement rates of educators changed over time? 3.How are individual retirement decisions related to per-pupil state and local revenue and county-level unemployment rates? 4.How has the proportion of retirees employed again after retirement in the California public school system changed over time? Research Questions
1.California State Teachers’ Retirement System (CalSTRS) Defined Benefit Program Employment, retirement, and post-retirement data for all certificated employees in California (aggregate counts) 2.California Department of Education Annual district-level revenue data –“Revenue limit”, “other state revenue”, and “other local revenue” 3.California Employment Development Department Historical county-level unemployment rates Data Sources
Three sources comprise all state and local revenue received by districts: 1.“Revenue Limit” ( 60% of district revenue) –Used for general purposes –Combination of local property taxes and state funds 2.“Other State Revenue” ( 22%) –Includes state revenue for child nutrition programs, child development apportionments, and state lottery 3.“Other Local Revenue” ( 8%) –Includes parcel taxes, other non-ad valorem taxes, and interest earned A little more on the revenue data…
Age distribution of California certificated educators over time
Proportion of the workforce within specific age ranges (percent) Year Over 50 Over 60 Aged 51 to 60 Aged 56 to 65 Aged 51 to 55 Aged 61 to / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
Retirement rates of those aged 58 to 64
Results from a logistic regression examining correlates with the retirement decision Model 1Model 2 Odds ratio (standard error) Independent variable Per-pupil revenue limit (in thousands) (.0073) Per-pupil other state revenue (in thousands) (.0125)(.0124) Per-pupil other local revenue (in thousands) *0.9609* (.0100)(.0101) Prior year unemployment (.0041) Current year unemployment (.0043) n = 1,879,935 *Significant at the 5 percent level.
Percentage of retirees working post- retirement in California
Conclusions In recent years there is a greater proportion of certificated educators who are older –May have cost implications at the local level The retirement rate is on an upward swing in recent years Educators are more likely to retire when their districts’ per-pupil other local revenues decline The proportion of retired educators returning to work in the California public school system has increased over the past 15 years
Possible Next Steps Get data on districts that have offered early retirement incentives in recent years –Which types of districts have offered them? –Which types of educators take up the offers? Get more detailed data on educators working post-retirement –Which subjects are they teaching? –What types of schools are they working in? –For how long do they return to work?
Contact Information Tony Fong