Endangered species Limba engleza Clasa XII B
Causes of endangerment -acid rains -loss of habitat -use of pesticides -lack of food -hunting -poaching -drought and disease -human overpopulation -changes in the climate
Animals in danger in the world _ tiger -whale -Indian elephant -panda bear -brown bear -gorilla -rhino -gray bat -green turtle -lynx -American corocdile
Ways to help endangered species -joining organisations -recycling -thinking about what we eat -adopting animals -waste materials -conservation
Laws and organisations which protect animals
The importance of studying the problems connected with the danger they are in Ever since people lived on earth, they have used animals and plants to give them everything they need. Animals are killed for meat and skin, trees are cut down for paper, plants uprooted for food, minerals are dug from ground. We know that the supply of animals and plants is not endless. Many endangered animals are saved from being extinct. Zoos and National parks are developed to save the animals in danger. The Zoos help the animals in breeding so that their number increases.
National parks are places where the rare animals and the places they live are kept safe. The habitats in which these animals live are protected so that they can roam around freely and can have enough food to eat and are also not hunted. Today there are Zoos and National parks in almost every country around the world. There are also laws against killing some animals. The people who break the law and are caught killing these animals are severely punished.
How can we help? Even though there are laws against killing the animals, some animals are still hunted for their beautiful, furry, silky skin. Many people just love to wear coats, belts and shoes from the fur or skin of the animals. Now a days we get many false fur and man made leather goods which are no less in comparison to the real ones. So if all of us decide to try such goods we can save many wild animals from extinction. We also stop killing animals for sport or just because we are afraid of them or we think they bring us bad luck.
We can also help, by controlling the pollution so that the animals will have good food to eat, water to drink and air to breathe. We can also take care that the water in ponds, lakes and rivers don't get polluted so that the animals living there can be safe. Lots of things we use, like paper and rubber are made by cutting down trees. If we waste these things, lots of forests need to be cut down. The animals who live in those forests loose their homes. So we should all try to recycle things and use them.