Leadership What is leadership? Leading people Influencing people Commanding people Guiding people.


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Presentation transcript:


What is leadership? Leading people Influencing people Commanding people Guiding people

Types of Leaders zLeader by the position achieved zLeader by personality, charisma zLeader by moral example zLeader by power held zIntellectual leader zLeader because of ability to accomplish things

Managers vs. Leaders Managers zFocus on things zDo things right zPlan zOrganize zDirect zControl zFollows the rules Leaders z Focus on people z Do the right things z Inspire z Influence z Motivate z Build z Shape entities

Common Activities zPlanning zOrganizing zDirecting zControlling

Planning Manager zPlanning zBudgeting zSets targets zEstablishes detailed steps zAllocates resources Leader z Devises strategy z Sets direction z Creates vision

Organizing Manager zCreates structure zJob descriptions zStaffing zHierarchy zDelegates zTraining Leader z Gets people on board for strategy z Communication z Networks

Directing Work Manager zSolves problems zNegotiates zBrings to consensus Leader z Empowers people z Cheerleader

Controlling Manager zImplements control systems z Performance measures zIdentifies variances zFixes variances Leader z Motivate z Inspire z Gives sense of accomplishment

Leadership Traits zIntelligence yMore intelligent than non-leaders yScholarship yKnowledge yBeing able to get things done zPhysical yDoesn’t see to be correlated z Personality yVerbal facility yHonesty yInitiative yAggressive ySelf-confident yAmbitious yOriginality ySociability yAdaptability

Leadership Styles zDelegating yLow relationship/ low task yResponsibility yWilling employees zParticipating yHigh relationship/ low task yFacilitate decisions yAble but unwilling z Selling yHigh task/high relationship yExplain decisions yWilling but unable z Telling yHigh Task/Low relationship yProvide instruction yClosely supervise

New Leaders Take Note zGeneral Advice yTake advantage of the transition period yGet advice and counsel yShow empathy to predecessor yLearn leadership z Challenges yNeed knowledge quickly yEstablish new relationships yExpectations yPersonal equilibrium

New Leader Traps zNot learning quickly zIsolation zKnow-it-all zKeeping existing team zTaking on too much z Captured by wrong people z Successor syndrome

Seven Basic Principles zHave two to three years to make measurable financial and cultural progress zCome in knowing current strategy, goals, and challenges. Form hypothesis on operating priorities zBalance intense focus on priorities with flexibility on implementation….

Seven Basic Principles, con’t zDecide about new organization architecture zBuild personal credibility and momentum zEarn right to transform entity zRemember there is no “one” way to manage a transition

Core Tasks zCreate Momentum zMaster technologies of learning, visioning, and coalition building zManage oneself

Create Momentum z Foundation for change yVision of how the organization will look yBuild political base to support change yModify culture to fit vision zLearn and know about company zSecuring early wins yFirst set short term goals yWhen achieved make a big deal yShould fit long term strategy

Create Momentum zBuild credibility yDemanding but can be satisfied yAccessible but not too familiar yFocused but flexible yActive yCan make tough calls but humane

Master Technologies zLearn from internal and external sources zVisioning - develop strategy yPush vs. pull tools yWhat values does the strategy embrace? yWhat behaviors are needed? zCommunicate the vision ySimple text- Best channels yClear meaning- Do it yourself!

Enabling Technologies, con’t z Coalition building yDon’t ignore politics yTechnical change not enough yPolitical management isn’t same as being political yPrevent blocking coalitions yBuild political capital

Manage Oneself zBe self-aware zDefine your leadership style zGet advice and counsel yAdvice is from expert to leader yCounsel is insight z Types of help yTechnical yPolitical yPersonal z Advisor traits yCompetent y Trustworthy yEnhance your status

How Far Can You Go?

Blind Leader Game zTo start the game, position all students in a single line, create a starting point and a finishing point. Blindfold all the students apart from the student at the front of the line. Instruct each student to place their left hand on the left shoulder of the person in front of them. The teacher must say "Go" and the leader without the blindfold must walk towards the finish line and instruct the students that are blindfolded behind. To add an extra challenge to this activity, position obstacles along the path so that the leader will have to give instructions to the followers in terms of how to get around the obstacles. Once the finish line is reached successfully, another student can take the turn to lead.

Silence Game zGames such as this can force one or more people to reveal their leadership capabilities. Divide the group into two teams and position them on either side of the room. Give the students instructions such as "Line up according to birth dates," or "Arrange yourselves into alphabetical order according to last names." The students must complete the activity without speaking. They can make hand motions or write instructions down on paper, however your only instruction to them is that they cannot speak. The first team to complete the task wins the game. reveal