For tonight, we will discuss: How can I tell if my child is making progress? How can I tell if my school is making progress? How do schools use these scores? What role do these test results play in accreditation? 2
How can I tell if my child is making progress? Each student’s MAP reports show: Earned Scale Score Proficiency Level Note: The End of Course Exams (EOCs) do not have scale scores, but do have a proficiency level. 3
How can I tell if my child is making progress? Parents need to ask for the report that identifies the student’s achievement on specific learning goals assessed on each test. Strengths & Deficiencies related to Content and Skills Used for program and course placement Should guide decisions related to interventions Valuable Resource = Missouri Assessment Program Grade-Level Assessments: Guide to Interpreting Results 4
How can I tell if my school is making progress? To show progress… Student achievement over multiple years can be compared. Value-added models (VAM) are used to calculate growth, indicating whether or not the school is making adequate yearly progress with students. Calculations of VAM are available from the district/charter. 5
How do schools use these scores? For Programming and Instructional Decisions Strengths & Deficiencies related to Content and Skills Used for program and course placement Should guide decisions related to interventions For Accreditation What role do these test results play in accreditation? MSIP = Missouri School Improvement Program 6
MSIP 5 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS K-12 Points POSSIBLE Academic Achievement (ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies) 56 Subgroup Achievement (ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies) 14 College and Career Readiness – 1-3 (ACT, ACT WorkKeys, SAT, COMPASS, ASVAB) 10 College and Career Readiness – 4 (AP, IB, PLTW, TSA/IRC, Dual Enrollment/Credit) 10 College and Career Readiness – 5-6 (College/Career Placement) 10 Attendance (90% of Students attending 90% or >) 10 Graduation Rate (4-year, 5-year, 6-year time frames) 30 Total 140 7
MSIP 5 Accreditation Levels Accredited with Distinction >90% of points + other criteria as determined Accredited >70% of points Provisional >50% to 69.9% of points Unaccredited < 50% of points 8
What role do these test results play in accreditation? Annual Performance Report (APR) based on the MSIP 5 Performance Standards (previous slide) Show attainment of student achievement standards Progress and/or growth over three years 9 Years of Data MSIP 5 Annual Performance Rating (APR)
Ideally, schools will… 10 Analyze student achievement data Identify strengths and deficiencies Adjust curriculum & instruction to address needs Implement formative assessments throughout the year to benchmark student progress toward grade- level/course content standards Communicate with parents the role you can play in helping your student master standards
MSIP 5 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS K-12 Points POSSIBLE Academic Achievement (ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies) 56 Subgroup Achievement (ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies) 14 College and Career Readiness – 1-3 (ACT, ACT WorkKeys, SAT, COMPASS, ASVAB) 10 College and Career Readiness – 4 (AP, IB, PLTW, TSA/IRC, Dual Enrollment/Credit) 10 College and Career Readiness – 5-6 (College/Career Placement) 10 Attendance (90% of Students attending 90% or >) 10 Graduation Rate (4-year, 5-year, 6-year time frames) 30 Total
Summary How can I tell if my child is making progress? How can I tell if my school is making progress? How do schools use these scores? What role do these test results play in accreditation? Comments by Panelists 12