The journey towards accrediting schools - the latest situation ACCREDITING TEACHER ASSESSMENT AT KS3
MODERATIONVERIFICATION Subject specificGeneric Teams of moderators Team of verifiers Looking at departments’ abilities to apply NC standards Looking at whole school organisation and processes for KS3 assessment
MODERATIONVERIFICATION Reviewing evidence from teachers and pupils Reviewing evidence from moderators, managers and teachers in schools Includes ‘dialogue’ from a distance Direct access to the school
KEY STAGE 3 TEACHER ASSESSMENT 2007 EXTERNAL MODERATION REPORT - ENGLISH LEA No / School 6 Name of school Nature of the tasks / the evidence AT1 – Oracy AT2 – Reading AT3 – Writing Understanding and applying the level descriptors AT1 – Oracy AT2 – Reading AT3 – Writing
Welsh (1) + Welsh (2) 3AT English 3AT Mathematics 4AT Science 4AT Geography 1AT History 1AT MFL 4AT (tape) Technology 5 strands ICT 3 strands Art 3 strands – digital sample Music3 strands - CD/DVD/mp3 files/ video etc Physical Education 2 profiles (video)
PE AT1 AT2 AT3 A (C) Ai (Cm) I (M) N
Codes used A Agree totally with the school’s understanding of level features A(i)Agree sufficiently but with some issues (no further evidence needed) IIssues: unable to agree (need further evidence) NNo evidence received
The work of the Verification Pilot 2006 Period of exploration before the main pilot in 2007 Developing the link between the external moderation teams and verifiers Working with a small group of pilot schools across wales to support the process
Visiting schools Head teacher / SMT Assessment co-ordinator Some Subject/Curriculum Leaders Some class teachers including NQTs The verification team can collect, consider and interpret information from the:
Visiting schools cont Possible focus Assessment and reporting arrangements Internal moderation arrangements Response to external moderation team feedback Staff Training/Development
Feedback to schools Oral feedback - at the end of the meeting Written report Details of the meeting including information about the sampling and personnel interviewed Clear feedback on the standard and consistency of the internal moderation arrangements Highlight examples of good practice Note any action(s) to be taken
National Implementation KS October 2007 Pilot schools identified in order to continue trialling of the teacher assessment accreditation model (focus on non-core/foundation subjects and verifying) Distribution of National Guidance materials on arrangements for accrediting teacher assessment (core subjects)
National Implementation KS cont Summer 2008 Each core subject team remaining to submit exemplar evidence for external moderation Schools to prepare reports on attainment target level at the end of the key stage Collection of other end of key stage date on pupil level Further trialling for non-core/foundation subjects and verification of systems/procedures
National Implementation KS Spring/Summer 2009 Schools implement arrangements for moderating teacher assessment in KS2/3 cluster groups Follow up by any core teams where there were accreditation issues during 2007/08 Further trialling for non-core/foundation subjects and verification of systems/procedures
National Implementation KS Summer 2010 External moderation of any non-core subject teams remaining and verification of systems/procedures
NC Level descriptors and outcomes: These should b e used for summative assessment at the end of the Foundation Phase or key stage They are not specific to one key stage or phase They refer to learners’ progress over a period of time and over a range of work The offer a holistic viewpoint They ask for a ‘best fit’ assessment
Learning progression is not a linear process and therefore assessing pupils according to levels too often is a non- productive process which often lacks purpose. It is not intended for anyone to use NC level descriptions and outcomes: during day to day work with learners to create half termly/termly data to ‘level’ a piece of work.