Session 8 Lumberton High PLC Tuesday, May 17, 2011 Literacy Training: Assisting Struggling Readers
Think Aloud Helps readers think about how they make meaning (Davey, 1983). Helps readers think about how they make meaning (Davey, 1983). As students read they: As students read they: Pause occasionally to think aloud about connections they are making, as well as make predictions Pause occasionally to think aloud about connections they are making, as well as make predictions Create images to visualize the events Create images to visualize the events Activate prior knowledge Activate prior knowledge Find ways to fix problems with understanding Find ways to fix problems with understanding Helps teachers target problems. Helps teachers target problems. Allows students to analyze how they are thinking Allows students to analyze how they are thinking
I Have…Who Has? This activity will help teachers evaluate information and reading skills. It is a review in motion, with literacy built in. This activity will work across the curriculum! Directions: Give every student a card. Give every student a card. The first person will read aloud only the bottom half of his/her card which is the question that the other students should answer The first person will read aloud only the bottom half of his/her card which is the question that the other students should answer The student that has “I Have” (the answer) will stand up and respond next and read their “Who Has” question. The student that has “I Have” (the answer) will stand up and respond next and read their “Who Has” question. The game continues until all are matched and all students have read their card. The game continues until all are matched and all students have read their card.
I Have…Who Has? A different variation: Give everyone a card. Give everyone a card. Let children walk around and find their matches. Let children walk around and find their matches. They must come to you to see if it is correct. They must come to you to see if it is correct. Once they finish, in pairs they have to write how they knew it was correct. Once they finish, in pairs they have to write how they knew it was correct. Example: I know it is correct because the first amendment includes the establishment clause which states I cannot create a state sponsored church. Example: I know it is correct because the first amendment includes the establishment clause which states I cannot create a state sponsored church.
5x – 6 = 3x - 8 5x – 6 = 3x - 8 Who Has… I Have: x = -5
Who Has… 2x – 1 = 5 Who Has… 2x – 1 = 5 I Have: x = -1
Who Has… 5x + 2x – 4 = 10 I Have: x = 3
Who Has… X + 16 = 5x I Have: x = 2
4x + 8x = -60 I Have: x = 4
Who has… the type of cell in humans most similar to pollen in plants? I Have: to determine the genotypes of the parents
Who Has… the biological organic compounds by which enzymes are classifed? I Have: the sperm cell
Who Has… the organelles that have their own DNA that is distint from the cell’s nuclear DNA? I Have: proteins
Who Has… the purpose of a test cross in genetics research? I Have: mitochondrion
Wikis Useful Site: Benefits of using a Wiki? Increase student motivation Increase student motivation Great tool to monitor students Great tool to monitor students Creativity and easy to use Creativity and easy to use Communication between students, teachers and parents Communication between students, teachers and parents Writing Writing A new way to facilitate learning A new way to facilitate learning Creating a WIKI: Visit the site Teacher Examples : Teacher 1 Teacher 2
Why use Blogs? Share materials, news, downloads, links, videos, podcasts, slideshows, multimedia presentations, and more. Information can be shared from school and from home. It is also easy to manage access. Share materials, news, downloads, links, videos, podcasts, slideshows, multimedia presentations, and more. Information can be shared from school and from home. It is also easy to manage access. Facilitates online discussion and collaboration. Students can respond to blog posts and discuss topics through comments on forums. Allows you to collect feedback and input. Facilitates online discussion and collaboration. Students can respond to blog posts and discuss topics through comments on forums. Allows you to collect feedback and input. Create a class publication. Easily edit and collaborate on online publishing. Create a class publication. Easily edit and collaborate on online publishing. Parents can be involved. Post information, news and events Parents can be involved. Post information, news and events Share your lesson plans. Allows you to reflect and collaborate with other teachers. Share your lesson plans. Allows you to reflect and collaborate with other teachers. Create blogs for clubs, student groups, events, sports teams. Create blogs for clubs, student groups, events, sports teams.
Popular Blog Sites There are also tons of blogs related to educational themes that students can read and be involved in.