Dual Accreditation Pilot Project
Topics Project Background Pilot Project What we’ve done What we’re learning Where we’re going Recommended Resources Questions
Project Background Community Learning Campus in Olds (joint venture between Olds College and Chinook’s Edge School Division); conversations started in 2003 “Proof of concept” dual accreditation courses in welding, meat processing, and equine-2006 to Spring 2009, Chinook’s Edge School Division received funding
Project Background Goal- develop a model for dual accreditation based on learner pathways for Alberta high schools and post-secondary institutions Include recommendations for funding, program structure and delivery, instructional models, infrastructure considerations, and governance.
Pilot Project High school credit in various Career and Technology Studies (CTS) courses in addition to earning Olds College course credits. Delivered on-site at Olds College in a blended model, using video-conferencing suites in the Community Engagement Sites Pilot funding provides for project coordination and a “hold harmless” model as we move through implementation (schools receive CEU funding, college receives tuition from pilot project)
What we’ve done Reviewed research on dual credit programs in the U.S. and Canada. Established a governance team, developed processes and guidelines (including an interim funding model for the project), started data collection Articulated CTS courses to college courses in fashion, trades, equine, meat processing.
Program Stats-to February 2010 SemesterOC Program/Course College Credits/student High School credits /student Delivery Method# Students# Schools Winter 09 So You Love Horses (Equine) 3 2 (AGR 2070 and 3070) VC-Using 4 sites (Bowden, Bell, Delburne, Sundre). Held after school. Two lab days on site at OC (OH, Bowden, Delburne, Didsbury, Sundre, Carstairs, OKCS, Innisfail, Fall 09- open to OH, OKCS, Bowden Trades-TEC 1000/CRP each, total 6 5 (TEC=MEC 1015 FAB 1100 CRP=CON 1070, 2045, 2050) On site (12:45-1:55)141 (OH) Fall 09- open to OH, OKCS, Bowden Trades-WLD 1167/MCH each, total 6 5 (WLD=FAB 1040, MCH=FAB 1010, 1130, 2130) On site (2:05-3:15)103 (OH, OKCS, Bowden) Winter 10- open to all schools Pre-Employment Welding (February to June) 1 st period trade 13 (WLD 3400 series) On site (1:00 to 5:00 daily) 13 5 (OH, Olds Career High, Sundre, OKCS, Cremona) Winter 10- open to all schools So You Love Horses (Feb to June) 3 3 (AGR 2070, 3070, 2020) VC (TWR 3:45-4:45) 4 lab days on site 16 6 (OH, Spruce View, River Glen, Red Deer Career High, Cremona, Innisfail) Winter 10- open to one school Meat Processing3 per course18 (AGR, FOD, and CTR Projects) On site11 (special arrangement- refining and exploring the viability of offering this as dual credit)
What we’re learning Commitment from the top of both organizations is fundamental to dual accreditation Flexibility on the part of both organizations is necessary Dual accreditation=dual enrolment. Both institutions’ regulations govern the student.
What we’re learning Learning more about each other’s systems helps bridge some gaps between K-12 and post-secondary Coordination is necessary for developing and communicating processes. Most barriers can be mitigated through a flexible approach Need lots of lead time for student recruitment
What we’re learning Funding implications for long term sustainability-looking for possible solutions Blended learning engaging; need to prep well ahead Variety of dual credit models emerging Working together is providing “value added” outcomes
Where we’re going Dual program completion-high school and one year certificate Landscape Construction Recommendations for sustainable funding model PD opportunities for CTS teachers
Recommended Resources South Island Partnership Ontario’s Student Success Strategy-dual credit Ontario’s Research Report for Dual Credit
Questions? Barb Mulholland, Curriculum and Instruction Coordinator Chinook’s Edge School Division Lissa Steele, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Chinook’s Edge School Division Pat Bidart, Associate Vice President Academic Olds College