SACS-CASI Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement FAMU DRS – QAR Quality Assurance Review April 27-28, 2011
PURPOSE “ACCREDITATION” Why is Accreditation Necessary? Certifies Quality Service Required for students seeking enrollment in higher educational institutions
The Quality Assurance Review Adherence to Quality Standards Improvement Process Methods for Quality Assurance Commendations and Recommendations Accreditation Status
THE REVIEW TEAM Composition: – National-Certified Team Chair – Team Members with various expertise/experiences that fit the school’s needs. The Team Chair and Team Members are appointed by the State Department of Education. The school appoints a facilitator to coordinate the accreditation process.
SELF ASSESSMENT To prepare for the SAC Visit, the school must complete a comprehensive self-assessment guided by the AdvancED Accreditation Standards for Quality Schools. The Standards are the foundation for the accreditation process. The Self Assessment must be completed and submitted to AdvandED at least six weeks prior to the QAR Team Visit. A wide and broad cross-section of the school community should participate in completing the Self Assessment
Structure of the Self-Assessment Seven AdvancED Standards AdvancED Indicators Questions Rubrics Evidence Standard-Level Contextual Narrative
Procedures for Completing the Self Assessment (FAMU DRS) The entire faculty/staff and other stakeholders are to be involved Seven committees have been established—one for each standard An additional committee has been established to address Title I
SELF-ASSESSMENT PROCESS Collect and compile data Scheduled committee meetings Complete SA Worksheets Review data collected Make committee reports Submit Reports and Executive Summary for review by the QAR Team
ADVAN C ED STANDARDS 1. Vision and Purpose 2.Governance and Leadership 3.Teaching and Learning 4.Documenting and Using Results 5.Resources and Support Systems 6.Stakeholder Communication and Relationships 7.Commitment to Continuous Improvement
Standard 1: Vision and Purpose The school establishes and communicates a shared purpose and direction for improving the performance of students and the effectiveness of the school. Commits to a shared purpose and direction Establishes expectations for student learning Learning is aligned with the school’s vision Learning is supported by school personnel and external stakeholders Expectation serves as the focus for assessing student performance The vision guides allocations of time and human, material, and fiscal resources.
Standard 2: Governance and Leadership The school provides governance and leadership that promotes student performance and school effectiveness Leaders are advocates for the school’s vision and improvement efforts provide directions and allocate resources to implement curricular and co-curricular programs design program that enable students to achieve expectations for their learning encourage collaboration and shared responsibility for school improvement among stakeholders The school’s policies, procedures, and organizational conditions ensure equity of learning opportunities and support for innovation.
Standard 3: Teaching and Learning The school provides research-based curriculum and instructional methods that facilitate achievement for all students. Curriculum is based on clear and measurable expectations Curriculum provides opportunities for all students to acquire knowledge, skills, and attitudes Teachers use proven instructional practices Teachers provide opportunities for students to apply their knowledge and skills to real world situations Teachers give students feedback to improve their performance
Standard 4: Documenting and Using Results The school has a comprehensive assessment system that monitors and documents performance and uses results to improve student performance and school effectiveness. The Assessment System Based on clearly defined measures Assesses student performance on expectations for student learning Evaluates the effectiveness of curriculum and instruction Determines interventions to improve student performance The Assessment System provides timely and accurate information that is meaningful and useful to school leaders, teachers, and other stakeholders.
Standard 5: Resources and Support Systems The school has the resources and services necessary to support its vision and purpose and to ensure achievement for all students. Sufficient human, material, and fiscal resources to: Implement the curriculum To meet the special needs of students Employ and allocate staff that are well qualified for their assignments Provide on-going professional development for staff Ensure compliance with applicable local, state, and federal regulations.
Standard 6: Stakeholder Communication and Relationships The school fosters effective communication and relationships with and among its stakeholders. Understanding, commitment, and support of stakeholders Formal channels to communicate with stakeholders Opportunities for collaboration and shared leadership among stakeholders Solicits knowledge and skills of stakeholders Communicates the expectations for student learning and goals for improvement to stakeholders Provides information about students, their performance, and school effectiveness to stakeholders
Standard 7: Commitment to Continuous Improvement The school establishes, implements, and monitors a continuous process of improvement that focuses on student performance. The School Implements a collaborative and ongoing process for improvement Improvement efforts articulate the vision and purpose Improvement efforts are sustained and demonstrates progress Engages stakeholders in the improvement process Evaluates and documents the effectiveness and impact of the improvement process.
Correlation with Title 1 Requirements The school has conducted a comprehensive needs assessment, which included a review of academic achievement data for all students and assessed the needs of the school relative to Title 1 Requirements. Several questions and indicators embedded within the Self Assessment along with other questions that are specific to Title 1 must be addressed to show adherence to the requirements.
REVIEW REPORT The Oral Report Meeting with Administrators Presentation to Faculty The Written Report Within 20 days Findings/Commendation/Recommendations
FOR MORE INFORMATION Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Website: Mrs. Herring, FAMU DRS SACS Visit Coordinator or Mrs. Rivers, School Administrator, at