Electronic Notetaking Template Use this electronic template to help you take notes to complete your assignment. First, save this document with a new descriptive name.
Skim the site; are you sure it will be useful for this assignment? Name of Project: Date: Student’s Name: Copy and paste only those parts of the article that answer your important questions: key facts, names, dates, or topics. Highlight the important words in the article. Then summarize, paraphrase, and/or quote. Use a new copy for each new source.
Record the title of the webpage and its URL so you can find it again later. Name of site or title of page: Web address (URL):
Article pasted:
Type of Note Card and the Notes Summary (in your own words):
Type of Note Card and the Notes Paraphrase:
Type of Note Card and the Notes Quote:
Type of Note Card and the Notes Personal Comments (how will you use this information in your project?):