+7 ft ft ft. 140 miles
I. Lot And The Jordan River Valley
What Lot saw: Gn.13:10 What Lot did not see – 1. Choices have consequences (13:11-12) 2. Evil companions (13:13) 3. Materialism cannot save a family (Gn.19) 4. Water / beauty cannot compensate for sinful surroundings (2 Pt.2:6-9)
I. Lot And The Jordan River Valley II. Moses Came Close
Moses at the Jordan Dt.4:21-24, last stop: Plain of Moab Dt.31:1-6, last mountain: Pisgah Moses did not cross Jordan Disobedience is disastrous
I. Lot And The Jordan River Valley II. Moses Came Close III. Joshua Entered Canaan
Strength, courage, trust, Dt.31:7-8 Josh.3:1-8, prearranged order Follow the ark (3) Purpose: exalt Joshua (7, 10; Ps.114) Flood stage (13-15) Not too close (4) Unknown way (4)
Faith Nu.14:11 Firm conviction Personal surrender Way of life Wrong conviction Uncond. surrender Life of despair
I. Lot And The Jordan River Valley II. Moses Came Close III. Joshua Entered Canaan IV. Elijah Crossed Jordan To Rest
Elijah’s Last Day (2 Kings 2) 1K.19 – 1 Co.15 Last day on earth: at Jordan His miraculous departure confirmed his message; Israel must respond Lk.16:22 Talked (11) Left a hole (12)
I. Lot And The Jordan River Valley II. Moses Came Close III. Joshua Entered Canaan IV. Elijah Crossed Jordan To Rest V. John Baptized In Jordan
Came to do Father’s will If He failed once, He could not be our perfect sacrifice Mk.1:9 Many were baptized to be forgiven Jesus was baptized to be Forgiver
Mt.3:13-17 A first: Someone too good for baptism Purpose: Identify Him as Messiah. Mt.3:16-17 Confirm work of John. Jn.1:32-34 Leave people w/o excuse. Jn.1:35-42
Jordan River parallels Naaman, 2 K.5Jews, Mt.3 Heard, 3-4, 10 Believed, 14 Repented, Confessed, 15 Dipped, 14 Heard, 3:1-3 Believed, 21:32 Repented, 3:2, 8, 11 Confessed, 3:6 Baptized, 3: 6, 11
Lessons: 1. Lot: Choices have consequences 2. Moses: Obey God’s word 3. Joshua: Waters shrank from Priests 4. Elijah: Prepare for last day on earth 5. John: We must enter Jordan
Songs 193 (1) 203 (3) 206 (1) 212 (2) (1, 3) 552 (3)