Prepared from the book: The Messenger of God: Muhammad by Fethullah Gulen 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Prepared from the book: The Messenger of God: Muhammad by Fethullah Gulen 1

Infallibility God is kind and gives favors to everyone; what ever people has is from God. He protects each prophets from the wrongdoing, sins, evil and from bodily, mental defects and bestowed special favors on them as: Adam was favored with knowledge of names Noah was favored with steadfastness and perseverance Abraham was honored with God’s intimate friendship and being the father of numerous prophets Moses was given the ability to administer Jesus was distinguished with his patience, tolerance and compassion 2

Prophet Mohammad has all qualities mentioned above except being father of prophets, He is further distinguished in the following five ways as He says: “God helps me by implanting fear in the hearth of my enemies at distance of one month’s walk” “Earth has been made a place of worship and means of cleansing for me” “Spoils ( goods of dead enemies ) of war are lawful for me” “I have the right to intercede ( with god on behalf of believers )” “I was sent to all humanity.” 3

Qur’an calls believers to hold fast to the rope of God… God Messenger says that: “All children of Adam make faults and err and the best of those are the repentant”. God sent numerous prophets; the Qur’an specially mentions only 28 of them, Starting with Adam, Noah, Hud, Salih and continues with Moses, Jesus and the seal is the Beloved of God Mohammed the messenger of God. Peace be upon them… 4

Prophet Adam God created Adam and said to the angels: “ I will make a vicegerent on earth” they asked “will You make therein one who will make mischief and shed blood, while we celebrate your praises and glorify You ? He said “I know what you know not”( 2:30 ) Prophet Noah Lived 950 years, invited people to the belief of God but they insisted on their wrongdoings. God ordered him to build an ark and place believers and a male and a female of each animal; then, flood caused to death of all non believers including his wife and son. 5

Prophet Abraham “ the intimate friend of God” He was thrown into fire because of his belief in one God, and fire became by God’s will and power, coolness and means of safety for him. “I am not among those who associate with God “ ( 6:79 ) He lived in Mesopotamia, invited people to one God day and night but he had no followers at all. Prophet Mohammad God messenger is superior to all of the prophets. He was sent to all the worlds as a mercy, embody of best example to the humanity, representative and preacher of Islam. He was not an author or poet of Islam; his responsibility is to convey it to the humanity, The religion belongs to God… 6

God Messenger and The Prisoners Taken During The Battle of Badr Muslims won great victory against outnumbered of nonbelievers and had many prisoners God messenger consulted to his companions: Abu Bakr : “They are your people; you will win their hearth if you forgive them.” Umar : “They are leading figures of Mecca; if we kill them, unbelief will no longer be strong enough”. God messenger turned to Abu Bakr and said “you are like Abraham and Jesus” and turned to Umar and said “you are like Noah and Moses…” Then he followed Abu Bakr’s advice. 7

HisMarriages His Marriages No allegations or slanders have ever affected or will affect his pure personality. All scholars agree that he lived happily with Khadija ( His first wife, who was a widow and 15 years older than himself) for 25 years which ended with her death. After he was 50 years old, he had couple of strategically and specific marriages. 8