© 2009 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved Part 2 Virtex-6 and Spartan-6 HDL Coding Techniques
Copyright 2009 Xilinx Welcome If you are new to FPGA design, this module will help you code properly for Spartan-6 and Virtex-6 register resources These design techniques promote fast and efficient FPGA designs Page 2
Copyright 2009 Xilinx After completing this module, you will able to: Code your design so you can infer more of the dedicated hardware resources Avoid the most common coding mistakes which hurt device utilization Reduce your dependence on global resets by taking advantage of the Global Set/Reset net (GSR) Page 3
Copyright 2009 Xilinx Tactics to Meet Timing Use as many of the dedicated resources as possible (SRLs, DSP slices, and block RAMs) –Understanding the features of the resource is essential if you are going to infer the resource –This is critical to reducing the number of LUTs and registers in your FPGA design and increasing the amount of dedicated hardware you infer One of the most effective ways to reduce power in FPGAs is to reduce the number of LUTs and FFs –One of the side benefits of these techniques is that they will allow you to improve performance and device utilization Page 4
Copyright 2009 Xilinx DSP Slice Uses a Synchronous Reset Each DSP slice effectively has more than 250 registers –None have an asynchronous reset The DSP slice is more versatile than most realize –It can be used for multipliers, add/sub, MACC, counters (with programmable terminal count), comparators, shifters, multiplexer, pattern match, and many other logic functions Many designs that run out of slices are not fully utilizing their DSP slice resources –Synthesis tools will infer the DSP slice resources for multipliers, but they are not smart enough to infer other functions Can control synthesis use with attributes, but NOT if an asynchronous reset is used Page 5
Copyright 2009 Xilinx BRAM Uses a Synchronous Reset Block RAMs obtain minimum clock-to-output time by using their output register –Output registers only have synchronous resets Unused block RAMs can be used for many alternative purposes –ROMs, large LUTs, complex logic, state machines, deep-shift registers, etc. Using unused block RAMs for other purposes can free up hundreds of flip-flops –Using the block RAM in dual-port mode allows for greater utilization of this resource Many designs that run out of slices are not fully utilizing the block RAM resources –Synthesis tools are not yet smart enough to infer less obvious functions Page 6
Copyright 2009 Xilinx Synchronous Sets/Resets Synchronous Sets and Resets give the tools more flexibility –Can improve timing and device utilization Synthesis could choose to move low-fanout synchronous resets from a control signal to the datapath to free up more registers –Synthesis tools can do this, but it may depend on synthesis settings and may not be on by default XST has a Use Synchronous Reset synthesis option (on by default) –The Xilinx implementation tools cannot change what is synthesized This could allow packing of a register into a slice previously not possible D S Low Fanout Page 7
Copyright 2009 Xilinx Synchronous Sets/Resets Synchronous sets/resets make FPGA designs more reliable Synchronous sets/resets are automatically timed –Do not need any special timing constraints –Do not need special switches or setting to analyze timing –Synchronous reset nets are often the most critical net in a design Synchronous sets/resets are inherently more predictable –Less susceptible to accidentally missing timing, runt pulses, or other phenomenon from upsetting logical functionality –Less prone to a race condition Release of an asynchronous signal may not always have predictable results Tip: Synchronous resets enable your design to require minimal testing Page 8
Copyright 2009 Xilinx Caveats to Synchronous Sets/Resets Synchronous resets increase the number of constrained paths, may make timing more difficult, the design larger, and result in longer run times Why? –The implementation tools automatically time synchronous reset paths –This can result in More timing paths to analyze and meet timing On average ~five percent increase in the number of timing paths More replication of design resources With some synthesis tools this will use fewer SRLs, block RAM, DSP slices, and other dedicated hardware Page 9
Copyright 2009 Xilinx Changing to Synchronous Resets All new code should use synchronous resets when a reset is necessary For existing code, you have three choices –Leave alone Acknowledge the possible critical drawbacks of asynchronous resets –Use synthesis switch (dangerous!) Not the same as changing to synchronous reset This can make the synthesis result different from the behavioral simulation –Recommended: manually (or use a script) to change the asynchronous reset to synchronous Removing the top-level reset port does not get the same result as removing the reset from your code Synplify: syn_clean_reset XST: -async_to_sync YES Page 10
Copyright 2009 Xilinx Resets Two kinds of resets – Global and Local Global…usually used to reset after configuration This is done by default after configuration of the FPGA and does not need to be coded into the design – Access to this net is done with the GSR port from the Startup component (only necessary if you wish to perform a global reset s second time) – Note…if you are coding in a global reset into your HDL you are actually coding in a second reset Some ASIC technologies require at most an initialization when they power up. But FPGAs do not require a reset. Local…used as a standard part of some components behavior FSM, counters, etc Page 11
Copyright 2009 Xilinx Getting By Some designs can get away without any resets but many designs need some resets –Very few designs require resets on all registers, but most designers want a global reset after initialization Most ASIC emulation also requires a described reset on every register. Implement this global reset with the built-in Global Set/Reset (GSR) GSR is good for initializing the values of your synchronous elements (FFs, Block RAMs) Delay of GSR is slow (3 clock cycles after configuration) so use it after configuration, but don’t reset again unless you can tolerate the entire design being reset Page 12
Copyright 2009 Xilinx Global Reset Net The GSR input is an active-high global set/reset net that is active at the end of configuration –It uses a dedicated routing resource for signal distribution Saves general interconnect –It can also be used to restore the initial state of the FFs in the FPGA at any time The intial state is communicated with an INIT attribute It drives the output FFs for each block RAM, but does not affect the contents of each memory or SRL –It is connected to all synchronous elements through a wired OR gate This allows a local reset to also drive the FF’s set/reset port Page 13
Copyright 2009 Xilinx Startup Instantiation (VHDL) VHDL and Verilog instantiations are available from the Xilinx Unified Libraries Guide Library UNISIM; use UNISIM.vcomponents.all; -- STARTUP_VIRTEX6: Virtex-6 Configuration Start-Up Sequence Interface -- Virtex-6 -- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide, version 12.1 STARTUP_VIRTEX6_inst : STARTUP_VIRTEX6 generic map (PROG_USR=>"FALSE“) -- Activate program event security feature port map (… CLK => CLK, -- 1-bit User start-up clock GSR => GSR, -- 1-bit Active high Global Set/Reset signal GTS => GTS, -- 1-bit Active high Global 3-State signal … ); -- End of STARTUP_VIRTEX6_inst instantiation Page 14
Copyright 2009 Xilinx Inferring an Initialization (XST only) If you have a reset, you can initialize all registers in VHDL / Verilog code SR will cause the flip-flop to be set to the state inferred here –Inference is supported only for data types std_logic, bit_vector, bit, but NOT integer This is helpful for RTL simulation of the design –If it functions during simulation, it should function on the FPGA –Note…if you design without a reset in your design, you still get a free global reset VHDL: signal my_regsiter : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) := (others <= ‘0’); Verilog: reg [7:0] my_register = 8’h00; Page 15
Copyright 2009 Xilinx No Reset is Best Synthesis can infer SRL-based shift registers –But only if no resets are used (otherwise flip-flops are wasted) –Or, the synthesis tool can emulate the reset This will uses extra resources and take extra clock cycles to set up (not what you want) Page 16
Copyright 2009 Xilinx No Reset is Best Designs without resets have fewer timing paths –By an average of 18 percent fewer timing paths Results in less run time Improved performance Less memory necessary during PAR Tip: NO reset builds a faster design and saves run time Page 17
Copyright 2009 Xilinx Use the GSR Routing can be considered one of the most valuable resources Resets compete for the same resources as the rest of the active signals of the design –Including timing-critical paths –More available routing gives the tools a better chance to meet your timing objectives Tip: Using the GSR saves routing and improves design speed Page 18
Copyright 2009 Xilinx Block RAM Avoid “read before write” mode for fastest performance by instantiating your memory with the CORE Generator™ tool Synplify and other third-party synthesis tools can insert bypass logic to prevent a possible mismatch error between your RTL and hardware behavior –Intended to force RAM outputs to a known value when read and write operations occur on the same memory cell –If you know this will never happen you can prevent this logic from being added and damaging your performance with an attribute Attribute syn_ramstyle of mem : signal is “no_rw_check”; Page 19
Copyright 2009 Xilinx Clock Enable Control the use of clock enables from the code –Code them only when needed –If a low-fanout CE is necessary, use synthesis attributes to control the use of control signals at the signal or module level Do not use global switches to turn off the use of CEs Results in an average of 25-percent LUT increase –Consider using alternative coding methods for low-fanout clock enables VHDL: Q <= ((not CE) AND A) OR (CE AND Q); Verilog: Q <= (~CE & A) | (CE & Q); VHDL: if (CE=‘1’) then Q <= A; Verilog: if (CE=‘1’) Q <= A; This will map the CE to the control port This will map the CE to a LUT input Page 20
Copyright 2009 Xilinx Global Clock Enable To gate entire clock domains for power reduction, use the clock-enabled global buffer resource BUGCE or the BUFHCE –For applications that only pause the clock on small areas of the design, use the clock enable pin of the FPGA register Tip: This will save general routing resources Page 21
Copyright 2009 Xilinx DSP Slice Use adder chains instead of adder trees –Adder trees tend to have varying size This usually makes larger adders in the last stages, which increases logic levels –Spartan-6 and Virtex-6 FPGAs uses adder chains which obtain peak performance and use minimal power Requires pipelining Adds latency Adder Tree Adder Chain Page 22
Copyright 2009 Xilinx Synthesis Options Over-constraining during synthesis can significantly increase register use –Seen as an average increase from 1–5 percent –Do NOT over-constrain during synthesis Global optimization can lead to mixed results –Can achieve ~10 percent flip-flop reduction Gives back much of the utilization benefits (and sometimes more) due to control signals FSM optimization –Turning off FSM optimization can yield a small flip-flop savings –One-hot encoding is not as useful Do NOT use slice or LUT compression switches –In some cases, latch-thrus are used and consume registers Page 23
Copyright 2009 Xilinx Synthesis Options Replicate registers with high fan-out –This allows high fan-out logic to be moved closer to destinations –This can be determined from a timing report –Manual duplication or replication constraints with the synthesis tools should be applied Retiming option should be used, especially if design has been pipelined –Pipelining is still encouraged Page 24
Copyright 2009 Xilinx I/O Registers IOB registers provide fixed setup and clock-to- output times –Fastest way to capture input data and clock data off the device IOB register can make it difficult to meet internal timing –Their use can lengthen route delays to internal logic –Only use IOB registers when it is necessary to meet I/O timing It is best to allow your synthesis tool to put registers into IOBs based on timing constraints (if your tool supports this). Otherwise complete the following steps… 1)Disable global I/O register usage in your synthesis tool 2)Disable the Map option to pack registers into IOBs (PAR) 3)Selectively move registers into IOB with a UCF attribute Tip: Use IOB registers when necessary to meet I/O timing Page 25
Copyright 2009 Xilinx Summary Avoid asynchronous resets on block RAMs (the block RAM’s output register only supports a synchronous reset) Avoid asynchronous resets on DSP slice resources (their flip-flops only support a synchronous reset) IOB registers can make it more difficult to meet internal timing –Use IOB registers only for improving IO timing Xilinx recommends NOT using the synthesis option to convert asynchronous resets to synchronous Page 26
Copyright 2009 Xilinx Summary Synthesis tools can move synchronous resets from control ports to the data path Avoid the use of global resets –Initialize all registers from your HDL –If you need a global reset use the Startup_Virtex6 or the Startup_Spartan6 primitive to access the GSR net –If you can remove a global reset, you will save a lot of routing and build a faster design Avoid resets on SRLs (no reset functionality) Page 27
Copyright 2009 Xilinx Where Can I Learn More? Software Manuals –Start Xilinx ISE Design Suite 12.1 ISE Design Tools Documentation Software Manuals –This includes the Synthesis & Simulation Design Guide This guide has example inferences of many architectural resources –XST User Guide HDL language constructs and coding recommendations –Software User Guides and software tutorials Xilinx Training – Xilinx tools and architecture courses Hardware description language courses Basic FPGA architecture, Basic HDL Coding Techniques, and other Free training videos! Page 28
Copyright 2009 Xilinx Trademark Information Xilinx is disclosing this Document and Intellectual Propery (hereinafter “the Design”) to you for use in the development of designs to operate on, or interface with Xilinx FPGAs. Except as stated herein, none of the Design may be copied, reproduced, distributed, republished, downloaded, displayed, posted, or transmitted in any form or by any means including, but not limited to, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Xilinx. Any unauthorized use of the Design may violate copyright laws, trademark laws, the laws of privacy and publicity, and communications regulations and statutes. Xilinx does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of the Design; nor does Xilinx convey any license under its patents, copyrights, or any rights of others. You are responsible for obtaining any rights you may require for your use or implementation of the Design. Xilinx reserves the right to make changes, at any time, to the Design as deemed desirable in the sole discretion of Xilinx. Xilinx assumes no obligation to correct any errors contained herein or to advise you of any correction if such be made. Xilinx will not assume any liability for the accuracy or correctness of any engineering or technical support or assistance provided to you in connection with the Design. THE DESIGN IS PROVIDED “AS IS" WITH ALL FAULTS, AND THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO ITS FUNCTION AND IMPLEMENTATION IS WITH YOU. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT YOU HAVE NOT RELIED ON ANY ORAL OR WRITTEN INFORMATION OR ADVICE, WHETHER GIVEN BY XILINX, OR ITS AGENTS OR EMPLOYEES. XILINX MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, REGARDING THE DESIGN, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD-PARTY RIGHTS. IN NO EVENT WILL XILINX BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT, EXEMPLARY, SPECIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY LOST DATA AND LOST PROFITS, ARISING FROM OR RELATING TO YOUR USE OF THE DESIGN, EVEN IF YOU HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. THE TOTAL CUMULATIVE LIABILITY OF XILINX IN CONNECTION WITH YOUR USE OF THE DESIGN, WHETHER IN CONTRACT OR TORT OR OTHERWISE, WILL IN NO EVENT EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF FEES PAID BY YOU TO XILINX HEREUNDER FOR USE OF THE DESIGN. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE FEES, IF ANY, REFLECT THE ALLOCATION OF RISK SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT AND THAT XILINX WOULD NOT MAKE AVAILABLE THE DESIGN TO YOU WITHOUT THESE LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY. The Design is not designed or intended for use in the development of on-line control equipment in hazardous environments requiring fail-safe controls, such as in the operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or communications systems, air traffic control, life support, or weapons systems (“High-Risk Applications”). Xilinx specifically disclaims any express or implied warranties of fitness for such High-Risk Applications. You represent that use of the Design in such High-Risk Applications is fully at your risk. © 2009 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. XILINX, the Xilinx logo, and other designated brands included herein are trademarks of Xilinx, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.