PHY 232: Electricity, Magnetism and Physical Optics Physics for Scientist and Engineers, 7th ed., Serway and Jewett Professor: Dr. Renee Fatemi Website : Office Hours: Friday 10-11, 2-3pm Office Phone: Office Number: CP375
List the 4 fundamental forces 1. Strong 2. Electromagnetic 3. Weak 4. Gravitational Nearly all of the forces which define your daily life in are ELECTROMAGNETIC! holds protons & neutrons together Friction, normal force, molecular binding Radioactivity Tides… falling down stairs…
Lecture Class Policies No electronic devices are permitted to be activated or visible in class. This includes all cell phones, laptops, MP3 players etc. Failure to comply with these rules will result in an automatic 1% reduction in your final grade.
WebAssign Must register with WebAssign online homework service! To gain access you must have a voucher, free with a new textbook, or purchase WebAssign access via a personal credit card at To begin go to Enter your UK active directory user ID for the WebAssign User ID. Institution ID and password are uky and phy232fall08. Please change your password during your first WebAssign login. Problems? Consult Still Problems? Contact me directly.
Homework Weekly homework problems will be posted on WebAssign – usually on Friday. Exceptions occur around exam dates. Problem sets are due by 11:59 PM the following Friday and must be submitted via the WebAssign interface. 10 tries for each question are permitted The 10th entry is the graded entry A blank entry doesn’t count as a try Your homework is graded electronically and returned after the final try on the final question If you believe there is a problem with the grading or the operation of WebAssign please contact me directly. 1st problem set is assigned today and due Sept 4th!
Recitation Each student is assigned to a recitation session. These sessions focus exclusively on problem solving techniques and are best utilized if you have tried the homework problems prior to Thursday’s class. A short quiz, which will closely follow the mateial presented in the lecture, will be given during the weekly recitation session. The two lowest quiz grades will be dropped. Make up quizzes will NOT be granted for ANY reason. First recitation and quiz are TOMORROW
ALL together NOW….. Make up quizzes will NOT be granted for ANY reason. But I overslept Make up quizzes will NOT be granted for ANY reason. But I broke my toe on the bathroom door (true story) Make up quizzes will NOT be granted for ANY reason. But I’ve got a doctor’s note Make up quizzes will NOT be granted for ANY reason. But my cat ate my goldfish Make up quizzes will NOT be granted for ANY reason. First recitation and quiz are TOMORROW
Performance Opportunities Three fifty minutes exams and a cumulative two hour final will be administered during the semester. Exams will consist of multiple choice and free-response problems. Partial credit will be awarded to students who demonstrate a logical and clearly written progression toward the final answer. The university policy on excused absences can be found in University Senate Rule ( Absence from a scheduled exam, without prior permission from the professor, will result in an automatic zero. Scheduling for make-up exams will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
Final grades will be calculated from the exam, homework and quiz grades according to the following weighting: Exam #1 = 15% Exam #2 = 15% Exam #3 = 15% Final = 25% Quizzes = 10% Homework = 20% Letter grades will be assigned according to the position within the class distribution. The mean of the class is defined as the dividing point between a B and C grade. Grading Policies AVE=54% AVE= 51% AVE=44% AVE=54% 80% ?!?!?!?!?
Test Dates & Holidays Sept. 7th Labor Day Holiday Sept. 21st Exam #1 Oct. 16th Exam #2 Oct. 19th Class Canceled Nov. 20th Exam #3 Nov Thanksgiving Holiday Dec. 14th Final Exam
Fun Starts Tomorrow ….