In the Know … Technological Vocabulary
Movin’ on Up Terms 1. Available Light – Light in a room (sunlight or existing room light) 2. Bit Depth – the color capacity of a pixel. For every bit a pixel can carry one color. 3. Bleed – when an image exceeds the size of the page
Movin’ on Up Terms 4. Bounce Light – light reflected off a card or wall 5. CMYK – Cyan, magenta, yellow and black color world used in printing 6. Color Balance- the process of compensating for too much of one color in an image (if an image is too blue, yellow is added to bring the image back in balance
Movin’ on Up Terms 7. Compression – shrinking or squeezing data n an image file 8. Contrast – ratio of dark tones to light tones 9. Crop- removing unwanted portions of a picture
Movin’ on Up Terms 10. Cyan – blueish / green color 11. Default Setting – presetting suggested by the software 12. Depth of Field – the measure of what area of a photograph is in focus
Movin’ on Up Terms 13. Export – change from on file format into another (form PS to.jpg OR.gif) 14. Exposure – to let light strike film or a digital chip and the process of determining how much light strikes it and for how long. 15. Filter – a colored piece of glass attached to a lens
Movin’ on Up Terms 16. Firewall – software program or hardware set to protect a computer from outsiders wanting to steal info 17. Fixed Focus Lens – a lens preset to one range of distance 16. Focal Length – distance form the midpoint of the lens to the convergence point on the film plane; determines whether it is telephoto, wide or normal lens
Movin’ on Up Terms 19. HSB – hue, saturation and brightness 20. HSL - hue, saturation and lightness 21. Hue - color 22. Index Color – the act of reducing color available to fit a smaller range of colors; done to reduce file size
Movin’ on Up Terms 23. Jaggies – stair stepped pixels on diagonal or curved parts of an image. 24. Key Light – main light source 25. LPI - lines per inch; a measure of resolution on a printing press 26. Mask – a layer or selection of a file used to protect a portion of an image
Movin’ on Up Terms 27. Noise – unwanted artifacts in an image 28. Normal Lens – a lens that has the same focal length as the human eye 29. Saturation – purity or intensity of color 30. Shade – gradation of color with reference to its mixture with black
Movin’ on Up Terms 30. Sharpness – refers to focus and the ability to display detail 31. Speed – the sensitivity of film or a chip to light 32. Tone – value, brightness or lightness; the amount of light a color reflects 33. Zoom Lens – a multiple focus lens