Scottish Prison Service Scottish prisoner population as at Friday 2nd September 2011 Total in Custody - 8,151
Scottish Prison Service – Education Providers Carnegie College AberdeenAberdeen, Perth,Perth PolmontPolmont, Inverness,Inverness Castle HuntlyCastle Huntly, Peterhead,Peterhead Edinburgh Motherwell College GlenochilGlenochil, Cornton Vale,Cornton Vale ShottsShotts, Barlinnie, Dumfries,BarlinnieDumfries GreenockGreenock, KilmarnockKilmarnock Sodexo Justice Services Addiewell
Carnegie College supports lifelong learning for all, promoting social inclusion and a highly skilled workforce for a competitive Scotland. They also offer educational services to prisoners whilst they serve their sentences in seven of Her Majesty’s Prisons.
Delivers Programmes across 7 centres in Scotland. Literacy and Numeracy are a core part of the delivery in all centres. Main body of the courses are taught in the Learning Centre. Informal classes also delivered in the halls and have included Art, book discussion groups, debates, visiting speakers, ICT, card making sessions and quizzes.
SPS Edinburgh
Edinburgh Prison is classed as a local or community prison and receives prisoners from the courts in Edinburgh and the Lothians and Borders. The prison holds adult male and under 21 prisoners who are on remand or convicted awaiting sentence, and convicted prisoners serving sentences from non-payment of fines to life. Since August 2011 a new women's wing was opened housing approximately 100 women.
Maths English Numeracy / Literacy Creative Writing ICT / Computing ESOL Art Music Writer in Residence SQA Qualifications Open University Courses Education Programme SPS Edinburgh
Pre and Post Release Programmes Enhanced Addiction Casework Service. (EACS) Phoenix Futures provides the EACS on behalf of the Scottish Prison Service. They are a specialist drug and alcohol treatment provider. Harm Reduction Sessions Assessment Alcohol Group work Recovery Planning Groups Naloxone Stop Smoking Pre Release / Home leave Group work
Pre and Post Release Programmes Constructs Constructs is a general offending behaviour group work programme for men, designed for use in the community or in the prison setting. It aims to reduce the likelihood of participants reoffending by changing the way they think and behave.
Pre and Post Release Programmes Violence Prevention Programme (VPP) This is an intensive programme for offenders who are considered a high risk to re-offend with violence. It aims to improve the skills of the participants, and reduce the risk of future violence.
Pre and Post Release Programmes Substance Related Offending Behaviour Programme. (SROBP) The programme is aimed at very high to medium risk offenders. It targets all substance misuse as long as it is related to their offending behaviour. It is designed to be continued in the community by outside support groups.
Pre and Post Release Programmes Rolling Stop Programme. For offenders who have a current or past sex offence conviction A sexual element to an offence Behaved in a sexually inappropriate way