Linac-4 current situation and outlook U. Raich, F. Roncarolo, F. Zocca
Current situation Transformers: First equipment to be operational. Very stable. Watchdog still to be included in beam interlock system SEMGrids: Many tests were needed to determine the correct polarization voltages for frame and wires. We sometimes see the FESA class with software trigger instead of external trigger Wire Scanners: Initial problems with motor movement. Now stable Emittance Meter: Several problems with motor movement. At the moment stable and operational. Measured emittance is too small as compared with simulations. BSM: Had some problems with external RF reference and wire movement. Looks ok now. However only few measurements after installation in the tunnel since buncher became available only recently BPMs: Need still some work. First position measurement were done. Phase measurements still to be tested. At the moment we only have 2 BPMs Halo monitor: Not installed at the moment. 2/27/2014BI Technical Board2
A few screen shots from the logbook 2/27/2014BI Technical Board3
2/27/2014BI Technical Board4 Recent Measurements from BSMs
Profile and Emittance Measurements with Laser 2/27/2014BI Technical Board5
Laser First Laser tests with Diamond detector measuring the neutrals 2/27/2014BI Technical Board6
Angle profile for 1 laser position 2/27/2014BI Technical Board7
Laser Outlook No budget was foreseen for laser stripping Need to buy Laser + diamond strip detector Will allow to measure emittance parasitically on the operational beam at 160 MeV 2/27/2014BI Technical Board8
To be finished at 3 MeV Adjustment of bunchers – This is currently done using the spectrometer and the BSM The BSM software to be integrated into control system 2/27/2014BI Technical Board9
Planning 2/27/2014BI Technical Board10
Next step Installation of the first DTL tank. Move the measurement line after the DTL tank Re-cable and re-commission all devices (except spectrometer) Repeat measurements at 12 MeV No new devices! 2/27/2014BI Technical Board11
New measurement line at 50/100 MeV 3 BPMs will be recuperated from the 3 MeV line 1 Transformer recuperated from the 3 MeV line The wire scanners & grid tanks for the intertank regions are fabricated 3 new tanks with hor/ver SEMGrid + wire scanner These tanks were expected to be ready by June but will be delayed until September BSM recuperated from 3 MeV line Cables for SEMGrids and WS will be pulled back (use CCDTL cables) BPM and transformer cables are available BSM prolongation cable is available 2/27/2014BI Technical Board12
Still missing from the list BPMs for inter-tanks (DTL ones ready, all will be ready by July) Transformers after DTL CCDTL and PIMS (ready) Wire Grids and wire scanners for inter-tanks (last information I have says ok but must check again) BLMs All should be ready by the end /27/2014BI Technical Board13
BPMs for the inter-tank 2/27/2014BI Technical Board14
Summary Transformers, wire scanners, wire grids and BSM have been commissioned No big problems are expected for the devices to be installed. BPMs need further work at the electronics level Tanks for Grids and WS at 100 MeV are late Dates for the inter-tank grids and WS to be verified BSM needs software integration (not too urgent) 2/27/2014BI Technical Board15