Setting Outcomes Making them SMART St Hilda’s Fund
Outcomes, Activities and Measurement Activities: the programme and activities by which your outcome is delivered Outcome: a demonstrable and measurable result that stems from a programme of activities which are achieved by a sustained effort from your congregation Outcome Targets (what will our overall outcome actually look like): Detailed SMART TARGETS which flesh out the overall outcome Measurement: The ‘tools’ you will use to establish how much of your overall outcome you have achieved
OUTCOME Individual members of our congregation become active in working with older people to support their independent living and the choices they are able to make (See the City of Edinburgh Council and NHS Lothian Joint Capacity Plan ‘Live Well in Later Life’. ACTIVITY Training programme offered to all adult and young people members of the congregation Visiting programme to retirement home residents by trained members of the congregation (one individual each) and a similar programme for our young members (inter-generational activity) Weekly visits to individuals in the retirement home and a monthly shopping service and a monthly worship service in their community lounge or in church A ‘work place’ chaplaincy for staff OUTCOME TARGETS At least 4 individual adult and 2 younger members complete the training programme in listening and counselling skills by end of month 3 Trained volunteers commit from start of month 4 to a weekly visit to an individual in the ‘retirement home’ and providing a monthly shopping and worship service for them Monthly shopping support and worship service from month 3 Our Rector provides a bi-weekly visit providing a ‘Chaplaincy’ to staff A quarterly support/‘supervision’ meeting for volunteer visitors is established by our Rector in months 6, 9 and 12 Individual Level MEASUREMENT 6 Week training programme starts within one month of funding being in place A register is kept of all those attending the training and 6 people complete the whole training A record is kept of how people participate in these events A feedback survey of ‘retirement home’ residents encourages us in continued commitment Learning lessons from our support and ‘supervision’ meetings are collated from volunteers and shared with the congregation A plan for Year 2 will have been agreed with the local care home and funding identified
Congregational Level Outcome OO ur congregation develops a long term commitment to active service to our local community Activities Members of the congregation are trained in listening and counselling skills A twice annual activity open to all members of the ‘retirement home’ is provided Outcome Targets Vestry identify church funding for years 2 and 3 for training for new visitors The training programme in listening and counselling skills has up-skilled our congregation 50% of our congregation have personally committed additional funding to enable Year 2 provision of a free twice yearly activity for ‘retirement home’ residents 50% of ‘retirement home’ residents participate in the bi- annual activities Measurement Data on the number of visits and worship services, and the annual activities and their impact, is collated and presented to our AGM Questionnaire to all our congregation on the impact of the training in their ‘ministry’ Treasurer reports that funding from the congregation will cover the cost of the two annual activities for year 2 of our project
SMART Outcomes Timely Relevant Specific Attainable Measurable
Specific The results are noticeable, definite and quantifiable.
Training programme offered to all adults and young people who are members of the congregation Some members of the congregation take part in the training A number of members of the congregation take part in the training and some complete it At least 6 of the adult and younger members of the congregation who take part in the training complete it. Specific Not Specific Better Specific
Measurable The results are noticeable, definite and quantifiable.
Some of the congregation have said that they will visit Measurable Visiting programme to care home residents by trained members of the congregation (one individual each) Not Measurable Better Measurable Six members of our congregation have said that they will visit elderly residents in the ‘retirement home’ Six members of our congregation have said that they will visit elderly residents in the ‘retirement home’ and have committed to a weekly visit and a monthly shopping service for the resident they visit, and to support the monthly worship service
Attainable If reasonable efforts are made and internal and external factors are considered, results will likely be achieved.
Attainable Weekly visits to individuals in the retirement home and (a) a monthly shopping service and (b) a worship service in their community lounge or in church Every member of the congregation will take part every week The congregation have committed to always having at least 8 members who make themselves available for up to 1hour per week and 2 hours once per month for shopping Not Attainable Better Attainable 8 members of the congregation will commit to always taking part
Relevant The statement you make is relevant to the specific problem.
Relevant A work chaplaincy for staff Most of the congregation support the idea that we should do this The Rector has committed to providing this and has ‘diarised’ a monthly time when he will visit the retirement home. Not Relevant Better Relevant The Rector and Vestry are discussing this idea
Timely A suitable amount of time is specified to achieve the result.
Timely Individual members of our congregation become active in working with older people to support their independent living and the choices they are able to make Members of the congregation will visit the retirement home occasionally Members of the congregation will visit the retirement home once per week and build a relationship with ONE resident to ensure a quality support for independent living Not Timely Better Timely Members of the congregation will visit the retirement home once per week
SMART Timely Relevant Specific Attainable Measurable