1.Invents 2.Designs Buildings 3.Translates the users requirements into a built environment. 1. What Does an Architect Do?
1.What is the definition of INVENTION? 2. Copy and paste 3 Google images that represent good INVENTIONS in your mind? 1. What Does an Architect Do?
1.What is the definition of DESIGN? 2. Copy and paste 3 Google images that represent good DESIGNS in your mind? 1. What Does an Architect Do?
1.What is the definition of TRANSLATE? 2. Copy and paste 3 Google images that represent TRANSLATE in your mind? 1. What Does an Architect Do?
1.Form 2.Story 3.Music 4.Inspiration 2. What Does an Architect Make? Buildings from…...
1.What is the definition of FORM? 2. Copy and paste 3 Google images that represents good architectural FORM in your mind? 2. What Does an Architect Make? Buildings from…...
1.What is the definition of STORY? 2. Copy and paste 3 Google images that represent good architectural STORY in your mind? 2. What Does an Architect Make? Buildings from…...
1.What is the definition of MUSIC? 2. Copy and paste 3 Google images that represent good architectural MUSIC in your mind? 2. What Does an Architect Make? Buildings from…...
1.What is the definition of INSPIRATION? 2. Copy and paste 3 Google images that represent good architectural INSPIRATION in your mind? 2. What Does an Architect Make? Buildings from…...
1.Philosophy 2.Sociology 3.Psychology 4.Material Science 5.Engineering 6.Mathematics 7.History 8.Construction 9.- Making Something Out Of Nothing - 3. What Does an Architect Learn?
1.What is the definition of PHILOSOPHY? 2. Copy and paste a Google image that represents PHILOSOPHY in your mind? 3. What Does an Architect Learn?
1.What is the definition of SOCIOLOGY? 2. Copy and paste a Google image that represents SOCIOLOGY in your mind? 3. What Does an Architect Learn?
1.What is the definition of PSYCHOLOGY? 2. Copy and paste a Google image that represents PSYCHOLOGY in your mind? 3. What Does an Architect Learn?
1.What is the definition of MATERIAL SCIENCE? 2. Copy and paste a Google image that represents MATERIAL SCIENCE in your mind? 3. What Does an Architect Learn?
1.What is the definition of ENGINEERING? 2. Copy and paste a Google image that represents ENGINEERING in your mind? 3. What Does an Architect Learn?
1.What is the definition of MATHEMATICS? 2. Copy and paste a Google image that represents MATHEMATICS in your mind? 3. What Does an Architect Learn?
1.What is the definition of HISTORY? 2. Copy and paste a Google image that represents HISTORY in your mind? 3. What Does an Architect Learn?
1.What is the definition of CONSTRUCTION? 2. Copy and paste a Google image that represents CONSTRUCTION in your mind? 3. What Does an Architect Learn?
1.Scale 2.Form 3.Complexity 4.Material 4. What Does an Architect Use? - The Elements of Style to Create Buildings.
1.What is the definition of SCALE? 2. Copy and paste 3 Google images here on how you think architects use SCALE. 4. What Does an Architect Use? - The Elements of Style to Create Buildings.
1.What is the definition of FORM? 2. Copy and paste 3 Google images here on how you think architects use FORM. 4. What Does an Architect Use? - The Elements of Style to Create Buildings.
1.What is the definition of COMPLEXITY? 2. Copy and paste 3 Google images here on how you think architects use COMPLEXITY. 4. What Does an Architect Use? - The Elements of Style to Create Buildings.
1.What is the definition of MATERIAL? 2. Copy and paste 3 Google images here on how you think architects use MATERIAL. 4. What Does an Architect Use? - The Elements of Style to Create Buildings.
1.Who – are you designing for? 2.What – are you designing? 3.Where – is the building located? 4.Why – does the design look and feel like it that way? 5. What Does an Architect Ask? - Where to START?
1.WHO were the people the Taco Bell building was designed for? 2. Copy and paste 3 Google images of WHO the Taco Bell building was designed for. 5. What Does an Architect Ask? (Use Taco Bell Building as Example)
1.WHAT were you designing? 2. Copy and paste some other typical images of WHAT you were designing. 5. What Does an Architect Ask? (Use Taco Bell Building as Example)
1.WHERE do you want to put your Taco Bell? 2. Copy and paste a Google satellite image of WHERE you want your building to go. 5. What Does an Architect Ask? (Use Taco Bell Building as Example)
1.WHY did you design your Taco Bell to look that way? 5. What Does an Architect Ask? (Use Taco Bell Building as Example)
1.Architects use symbols or Metaphors 2.Life is about Meaning 1.Creating a work or doing a deed. 2.By experiencing a something or encountering a someone. 3.By the attitude we take toward unavoidable suffering. 3.Architects find and impart Meaning through creating a work. 6. What Does an Architect Mean?
1.What is the definition of METAPHOR? 2.Copy and paste a Google image of an example of the use of a building as a SYMBOL or METAPHOR. 3.What does the BUILDING you chose actually represent. 6. What Does an Architect Mean?
1.Getting into a college. 2.Working harder than you are used to. 3.Learning how to draw and make models. 4.Learning how to present in front of a crowd. 5.Getting a degree. 6.Studying and taking the Architecture Registration Examination. 7.Getting a job and getting clients. 7. Architecture is about MANY things!
1.Studying & complying with building codes. 2.Developing a building design. 3.Working with other people (even some you don’t like!) 4.Coordinating the work of other people. 5.Adding more details and making changes to your design. 6.Observing the construction. 7.Making MONEY! 7. Architecture is about MANY things!
1.Name something that you already knew about being an Architect. 2.Name something that you DIDN’T already know about being an Architect. 7. Architecture is about MANY things!
1.What is the one building in the world you like the best that you wished you had designed. 2.Copy and past an image of the building you wished you had designed. Is Architecture for me?