The Influence of Brand Image, Sales Promotion and Service Convenience on Purchase Intention Ying-Chien Hsiao, Wei-Lun Jhang Takming University of Science and Technology, Taiwan Jan 3-4, 2013 Submission for the 4th POMS-HK International Conference
IntroductionLiterature ReviewResearch Model and HypothesesResearch MethodologyResults of Data AnalysisConclusions and Future Research
Research Background The home delivery service becomes the most important service industry. One survey in 2012 showed around 600,000 college boarding students in Taiwan, of nearly 50% who needs baggage delivery. 1
Research Motivation Some scholars have pointed out that built up a brand image to enhance company future value can be as a marketing tool. In addition, the study resulted from Hsu-yung Yang (2008) shows brand image and purchase intention will affect each other significantly. Many delivery service companies in order to raise up the willingness of consumer’s purchase intention with various marketing means. Ching-hua Yu (2011) proposed that promotional activity is the short-term marketing activities to attract consumer’s intention. Berry, Seiders and Grewal (2002) proposed that the general consumer are preferred for convenient goods and services. Therefore, convenience will affect the consumer's purchase willingness. 2
Research Objectives To investigate the effects of brand image of home delivery company to purchasing intention. To investigate the effects of sales promotion of home delivery company to purchasing intention. To investigate the effects of service convenience of home delivery company to purchasing intention. To investigate the relationship of brand image, sales promotion and service convenience. The research conclusion can be a reference for home delivery company to enhance purchase intention. 3
Brand Image- (Park, Jaworski and Maclnnis,1986) A brand image is not simply a perceptual phenomenon affected by the firm's communication activities alone. It is the understanding consumers derive from the total set of brand-related activities engaged in by the firm. In this study, we explore the three dimensions relating to the brand image, including Functional, Symbolic, Experiential. 4
Sales promotion The sales promotion as varied and short term temptation. The purpose of it is to stimulate consumer to purchase.(Kotler, 2003) In this study, we explore the two dimensions relating to the sales promotion, including Monetary Promotions, Nonmonetary Promotions. (Diamond and Campbell, 1990) 5
Service convenience- (Berry, Seiders and Grewal, 2002) The service convenience is the consumers' time and effort perceptions related to buying or using a service. In this study, we explore the five dimensions relating to the service convenience, including Decision Convenience, Access Convenience, Transaction Convenience, Benefit Convenience, Postbenefit Convenience. 6
Purchase intention- (Dodds, Monroe and Grewal, 1991) Purchase intention is the possibility that customers want to buy the products. In this study, we explore the two dimensions relating to the purchase intention, including the intention itself, and the intention recommended. 7
8 Brand Image Purchase Intention Service Convenience Sales Promotion H1 H3 H4 H2
Method of Data Analysis In order to achieve the purposes of this study and test the hypothesis, SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18.0 were employed to analyze the collected data. The analysis procedures of each statistical method are addressed for answering each research question in this study in the following paragraphs. 1.Descriptive Statistics 2.Reliability 3.Hierarchical regression analysis 9
Pretest Samples Total survey pretest samples issued by the author were 50 copies, 46 copies of them were valid retrievals. The probability of effective retrieval is 92% respectively. 10
11 VariableDimensionCronbach’ α Brand Image Functional0.776 Symbolic0.848 Experiential0.901 Sales Promotion Monetary promotion0.958 Non-monetary promotion Reliability of Research Variables
12 1.Reliability of Research Variables VariableDimensionCronbach’ α Service Convenience Decision Convenience0.942 Access Convenience0.843 Transaction Convenience0.842 Benefit Convenience0.825 Postbenefit Convenience0.909 Purchase Intention0.847
13 Purchase Intention Nonstandardized Coefficient Standardized Coefficient T-test Sig P<0.05 Results Estimate value of β Std. Error value of β Constant Brand Image support Sales Promotion support Service Convenience support R0.784 R2R Adj- R Regression Analysis
14 Sales Promotion Nonstandardized Coefficient Standardized Coefficient T-test Sig P<0.05 Results Estimate value of β Std. Error value of β Constant Brand Image support R0.452 R2R Adj- R Regression Analysis
Our research found that brand image, sales promotion, and service convenience all positively influence the purchase intention. That reveals the better brand image, sales promotion, and service convenience will raise purchase intention. 15
For further research, adjustments of questionnaires will be made. Five most common delivery companies in Taiwan will be analyzed in order to understand college students' preference toward promotional campaigns. 300 questionnaires will be distributed. The result of analysis will be provided as reference for delivery companies in Taiwan. 16
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